Okay, I know every man and his dog has done a Cassidy introspection at some point in their life. This is my first Veronica Mars fic and the idea just came to me, desperate to be written down. It's dark and it's scary but I couldn't rest until it was written, so I'd appreciate any comments and feedback, especially as I don't have a beta.
But, on with the fic!
Title: The Red and the Black. (Yes, I took that from an X-Files episode).
Author: Bek/
princess_dexter but posted at the writing journal
vorpal_quillPairing/Character: Cassidy. Mentions of ensemble.
Word Count: 1871
Rating: R, I think. Nothing too graphic, but disturbing nonetheless.
Summary: What makes Cassidy a Beaver? What parts make up a whole?
Spoilers: EVERYTHING. Up to and including 2.22 'Not Pictured'.
Warnings: Rape. Molestation. Terrible, terrible things.
You're not like him, are you, Cassidy? You're a good boy.)