The Summer Alternate Realities Challenge

Jun 10, 2006 10:34

The Summer Alternate Realities Challenge

I am issuing my first challenge!

1. I'm going to leave this open to any fandom, but I'd prefer these stories be OC or VM-based. Any characters, any pairings, any point in continuity - or depart from continuity entirely - that you'd like.

2. Here's the challenge part: You must take these characters of your choosing and place them within the reality of another television show or film. Now, this may sound like a crossover, but it isn't exactly - you can include characters from the other reality, of course, but you don't have to. Instead you can replace the characters with OC or VM ones. For example, ever wondered what it would be like if Logan Echolls was an agent for SD-6? How about if Seth Cohen was stranded on the island from Lost? This is your chance to speculate and be as creative and wild and wacky as you want to be. Farce, romance, parody, angst - you name it, you can make it happen.

3. Challenge entries are due by the end of August. If you'd like to sign up please indicate so here, and when you've posted your story, link it in a comment to this entry. I recommend you bookmark this entry for later reference.

Any questions can be posted here or directed to my email address. Please participate! It will make me ever so happy.

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