Fic: Son Also Rises, Part I (Veronica. Logan. Weevil.) PG-13

May 31, 2006 13:02

Title: Son Also Rises
Author: Stella
Character: Veronica. Logan. Weevil. Nick (but he's mine..)
Word Count: 5026
Rating: PG-13 [the f-word is used a couple of times, though]
Summary: AU - Five years after high school graduation, it's time for reunions and revelations.
Spoilers: through 2.10
Notes: Huge thanks to lapdogdesign and sarah_p for all the awesome advice and beta work. You are too awesome :o) Also very awesome? Comments. Reviews. So... please? Hope you likes.

Part I

weevil, ayelles - son also rises, pg-13, ayelles, veronica, logan

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