Fic: Who Am I 14/? Logan/Veronica PG-13

May 26, 2006 20:21

Title: Who Am I 14/? PG-13
Author: Brandee
Word Count:5,040
Summary: AU Lilly lived but things still changed drastically...
Spoilers: Season 1
Warnings: Nothing to harsh.. A few words
A/N: My Beta? Yeah she deserves Cookies, Ice Cream and Cake, with Logan on the side for this chapter.. It just kinda keeps going.. So yeah huge thank you to Blkangel for being more awesome than like me even...
(Chapter 1),(Chapter 2), ( Chapter 3)(Chapter 4)(Chapter 5)( Chapter 6)(Chapter 7)( Chapter 8)( Chapter 9)( Chapter 10)( Chapter 11)( Chapter 12)( Chapter 13)

When Veronica stepped out of his bathroom he wasn’t sure what he was suppose to say. Logan’s mouth was hanging open that much he knew for sure, and that she was blushing and biting her lip ever so cutely. When she had told him she was going as Tinkerbelle he knew she’d be adorable, but the girl in front of him wasn’t adorable she was sexy. He blinked his eyes as he took in the sight of her. The tiny green costume fit her form perfectly, but at the same time still left something to the imagination. It kept her innocents in tact while proving to him that Veronica Mars wasn’t cute anymore, she was hot.

“Say something Logan.” She whimpered, “It’s horrible isn’t it?”

“No.” He spoke shaking his head quickly. Why had Veronica turned him to a puddle of goo? She was his best friend for heavens sake, and yet the thoughts he was having were far from pure.

“Then why are you just standing there staring?” She whined.

“You look amazing Veronica.” He smiled, “Totally amazing.”

“I feel stupid.” Veronica frowned, “What was I thinking?”

“You feel stupid? I’m going in green tights.” Logan laughed.

“But you’ve so got the butt for it.” Veronica snickered.

“Veronica Mars have you been checking me out?”

“Maybe,” She grinned, “Now go put on your costume, I’ve the camera in my bag and I can’t wait to snap a few shots.”

“Actually I have something for you first.” Logan smiled as he pulled a small box out of his pocket, “Just saw it and thought about you.”

“You got me a present?” Veronica questioned, “Logan you didn’t have to do that.”

“Yeah well I’m a good guy.” He smiled handing her the box, “It’s not much but I thought you might like it.”

Veronica removed the wrapping from the box and smiled up at Logan as she opened it. When she looked down to see what was inside the box she bit her lip, “Logan!” She squealed, “A Tinkerbelle necklace?”

“Well you know, since it’s our thing.” He shrugged, “I don’t know when I saw it I had to get it.”

Veronica giggled as she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love it.” She spoke as she placed a quick kiss on his cheek. “Thank you so much Logan.”

Logan resisted the urge to pull Veronica closer to him as he felt her lips touch his cheek. When she stepped back and removed the necklace from its box he watched her look at it with excited eyes.

“I take it you like?” Logan smiled.

“It’s perfect; now help me put it on.” She smiled handing him the delicate silver chain as she turned away from him and moved her hair to give him better access. Logan sucked in a breath as he took the necklace from her and gently placed it around her neck. He leaned down to fasten the clasp and closed his eyes. He loved her scent, so sweet, so familiar, almost like tootsie rolls… Wait, she did smell like tootsie rolls he mused with a smile, only Veronica he laughed gently as he fastened the necklace.

“All done.” He spoke as she whirled around almost hitting him with her fairy wings.

“How does it look?” She smiled brightly her blue eyes twinkling up at him.


Logan meant that one simple word with everything in him. Veronica was perfect, like no one he’d ever met in his life. He cursed himself for becoming so soft, but this girl, this girl in front of him in the tiny green dress and the sparkly fairy wings was becoming so much more than just a friend. He knew it was insane, but the feelings that he was having were getting stronger everyday. He wanted to fight them, but he couldn’t.

“You better get your costume on.” Veronica spoke forcing him out of his trance. “We need to leave soon.”

“Is Mac meeting us there?” Logan asked grabbing the bag that held his costume.

“She’s furious with you.” Veronica giggled, “She got the costume you sent over while I was on the phone with her. She was yelling and then just hung up, what have you done to her?”

Logan shrugged, “You’ll see. Now if you’ll excuse me I must go make myself beautiful.”

“Then you really should have started hours ago.” Veronica spoke using her best poker face.

“You’re just jealous of my natural beauty.” Logan spoke as he all but pranced toward his bathroom leaving Veronica standing in the middle of his room laughing hysterically.


“These tights make my butt look big.” Logan muttered as he and Veronica entered the school gym.

Logan frowned as he looked behind him to try and get a glance at his on butt. He was in full fledge Peter Pan gear including the all important hat that he had refused to wear. When Veronica had promised him she’d exchange her ‘cute’ Tinkerbelle costume for the sexy version he finally agreed to go all out. When he put the horrid green costume on he realized it wasn’t as bad as he first thought. It showed off his most important assets quite well as he had pointed out to Veronica many times on the way to the dance. However he still wasn’t sure the ugly green flattered his backside at all.

“You’re kidding right?” Veronica asked, “Logan your butt is perfect.”

Logan’s eyes widened at her admission causing him to lean in closer to her. His mouth resting at her ear, “I knew you wanted me, but I must admit I’m surprised at your bluntness.” He whispered his voice deep.

“Shut up.” Veronica laughed her face red with embarrassment as she pushed him gently away.

“So do you dream of me at night Mars? Do you sit in class and have all kinds of naughty thoughts about us together?” He asked wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

“How did you know about those dreams?” Veronica asked batting her eyelashes, “I never told a soul.”

“It’s in the eyes Tink, you want me with your eyes.” Logan smirked.

“Logan Echolls you’re a dead man!” A voice shrieked from behind them.

Veronica turned quickly and slapped her hand over her mouth as she tried to hold back her laughter. Mac stood behind them dressed in a skimpy version of the school’s cheerleader uniform. She held pom poms in her hands as she glared up at Logan. Her mouth twisted as the pom poms fell to the ground and she stomped her foot.

“Go team go!” Logan laughed throwing his arm up in the air in an attempt to perform some sort of cheerleading move.

“I hate you! This isn’t just wrong, it’s painful.” Mac cringed. “Look at me; I look like, like Madison Sinclair!”

Logan chuckled, “If you’re going to be a cheerleader you really need to get that whole perky thing down, and right now? I so don’t feel the perk!”

“Let me repeat myself I hate you.” Mac fumed as she clutched her fists together.

“You look just like angry Daffy Duck now.” Logan chuckled, “Seriously it’s cute.”

“You do look like Daffy!” Veronica agreed with a laugh, “Seriously, the whole scrunching thing is so Daffy.”

“This is not funny; it’s cruel, seriously twisted and cruel. You said this would be painless and right now Echolls, I’m feeling a lot of pain!” Mac fumed.

“Mac, it’s not that bad.” Veronica smiled, “You look adorable.”

“My mother took pictures Veronica, pictures of me in this, this get up! She’s going to show them to everyone, everyone…” Mac groaned.

“It’s Halloween Mac, relax, it’s just one night, besides look at Logan.” Veronica smiled, “He’s Peter Pan.”

“The hottest Peter Pan you’ll ever see.” Logan smiled over at Veronica.

“Dude, you look like Kermit the frog on crack!” A voice from behind them sung out. Logan chuckled as Prince Charming himself smacked Logan on the shoulder as he took his place beside his Sleeping Beauty.

“You’re one to talk Gant, Prince Charming? Think anyone is actually going to buy that?”

“Meg begged.” He sighed, “And I can never say no to a pretty face.” He shrugged.

“I also promised to do his English paper.” Meg explained as Casey nodded his head.

“Every girl needs her prince.” Veronica laughed, “You look beautiful Meg.”

“Thanks.” Meg smiled, “You two look great!” She some to Mac and Veronica, “Seriously Mac you could totally be a cheerleader.”

“I’ll pass.” Mac spoke forcing a smile, “But thanks.”

“Oh my gosh, did you see Lilly?” Meg asked grabbing Veronica by the arm. “She’s dressed as a naughty nurse.” The girl gasped. “I heard Madison say that Lilly wanted to come as a naughty nun but her mom found the costume and ripped it to shreds!”

“And Dick? He’s a pimp.” Casey laughed, “They were outside when we came in, and I thought Meg was going to go into shock.”

“Speaking of Dick, are we are all set?” Logan questioned, “Did your plan of evil come off like you hoped?”

“Even better,” Casey grinned as he rubbed his hands together, “It’s going to be a magical night.”

The three girls gathered together as they eyed Logan and Casey. The boys looked at each other and then at Meg, Veronica and Mac as they began to chuckle.

“What’s this about plans of evil?” Mac questioned.

“Yeah and why weren’t we invited to help?” Veronica questioned crossing her arms.

“It’s a surprise.” Casey shrugged, “I haven’t even told Logan everything.”

“Seriously?” Veronica asked eyeing Logan.

“Cross my heart.” Logan spoke, “All I know is Casey has asked for the help of a few anonymous angry 09ers to get back at Dick for taking over the show.”

“Ooooh help from the inside.” Veronica grinned, “I like.”

Casey smirked, “Dick may think he has everyone wrapped around his finger, but dude is badly mistaken.”

They all laughed as Veronica looked from one person to another. Logan had been right about finding their normal, and this felt right. She had friends again, and for the first time in awhile she enjoyed having people to laugh with. Logan seemed happier now that Casey was around, and for that she was grateful. They were an odd group, but a group just the same.

Veronica listened as a soft slow song began to play and she sighed. Logan wrapped an arm around her waist and smiled down at her.

“Dance?” He questioned.

Veronica looked over at Mac and then back at Logan. She had almost forgotten that Mac came to the dance alone. “It’s ok.”

Casey shook his head and smirked as he grabbed the boy walking past them dressed as a pirate.

“Hang on Luke,” Casey spoke, “We good on our plan?” He questioned.

“Yeah, yeah, man, got it taken care of.” Luke nodded.

“Good.” Casey smiled, “Now have you met Mac?” He asked shoving the 09er in front of the angry fake cheerleader.

“Uh no, I don’t think so….” Luke muttered as he glanced down at a very angry Mac.

She glared at Casey and then at Logan as if she could kill them both with one swipe. Her eyes went back to Luke and she blushed when she realized he was checking her out.

“You go here? Seriously, I’d remember you.” Luke spoke giving Mac a once over.

“Yeah, this isn’t my usual attire.” Mac managed trying to force herself from glaring at Logan.

“Dude, you gonna stand there or are you going to ask the girl to dance?” Casey encouraged.

Mac coughed as she looked helplessly at Meg and Veronica. Meg inched in closer to her and whispered in her ear, “It’s ok; he’s one of the better ones.”

When Veronica nodded her head in approval Mac let out a long sigh. This guy would dance with her tonight and forget her tomorrow. She knew that much for a fact, but still it was better than standing alone all night.

“So yeah, dance?” Luke spoke as he gestured toward the dance floor.

Mac nodded her head nervously as she followed Luke; she only hoped he wouldn’t realize that she had never danced in her life.

Veronica turned back to Logan and Casey, “So the whole Luke thing? What was that?”

Casey shrugged his shoulders, “He hates Dick; hates him in many evil twisted ways. Dick told him he sucked at baseball and ever since? Total hatred.” Casey snickered.

“So he’s in on your mischievous little plot?” Veronica grinned, “I like this a lot.”

Logan watched as Veronica’s eyes danced. He loved seeing her happy, even the evil glee she had at the mere thought of Dick getting his. Actually something about Veronica’s evil glee made her seem even sexier to him. Logan shook his head as he blinked his eyes a couple times, trying to get the thought of sexy Veronica out of his head.

He put his hand on her shoulder and smiled as she looked up at him from her conversation with Casey and Meg.
“So about that dance?” He asked suddenly feeling like a nervous eighth grader.

“Lead the way Peter Pan.” She joked as he took her by the hand and slowly led her toward the corner of the gym.

Logan looked down at her as she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck. When she bit her lip he smiled shyly and wondered what was happening to him. He rested his hands on her sides and let out a deep sigh. The song floated through the air but he really wasn’t sure what it was saying. He heard words about love, and holding on and he knew that was what he wanted to do. Hold on, hold on to Veronica and that terrified him.

“You know, Tinkerbelle always had a thing for Peter Pan.” He whispered in her ear.

“Yeah, but he was all about Wendy.” She pointed out with a sigh.

“Then Peter Pan was an idiot.” Logan mused; his voice barely audible against her ear.

Veronica almost shivered at his voice as her eyes widened. She peered up at Logan, taking in his chocolate eyes. She was confused at what she was feeling, at what he was doing. Where they still talking about fictional characters? She honestly wasn’t sure, but the way Logan was holding her, it wasn’t friendly.

She was about to speak to Logan again when she suddenly caught Lilly’s angry glare from across the gym. She was dancing with some guy in a doctor’s costume that Veronica had never seen before. Veronica couldn’t get over Lilly’s costume. She wasn’t sure how Lilly had got past the front door in such a skimpy outfit, although she was sure she had used her Kane card.

“Lilly is staring at us,” Veronica whispered to Logan, “Like she wants to kill us or something.” She added.

“Maybe that was the attraction,” Logan chuckled, “She and my father share the same violent tendencies.”

“Logan!” Veronica spoke with wide eyes. Her mouth gapped slightly and Logan chuckled at the _expression on her face.

“Oh like you haven’t been trying to figure out what she saw in him.” Logan spoke as she relaxed in his arms a little more, “I mean all the fathers in Neptune and she picked mine?”

“Well I don’t understand what her problem is. Why does she care what we do anyway? She turned her back on me, and now we’re getting the evil death glare?”

“We’re happy.” Logan sighed, “At least happier than Lilly wants, and it kills her that we can go on without her.”

“Another profound statement from Dr. Echolls,” Veronica joked, “Seriously are you going to become a therapist when you grow up?”

“I’m not growing up, I’m Peter Pan, remember?” Logan smirked as he whirled Veronica around causing her to giggle.

“Ah yes, how could I forget?” She asked through giggles, “What with you looking all hot in those tights and all.”

“Exactly,” Logan smiled, “Think any other guy would look this good in green tights?”

“Never.” Veronica teased as the music slowly began to fade out.

Logan felt Veronica release him and his stomach twisted. This couldn’t be happening, he could not have feelings for Veronica. It would mess up everything, what they had now worked, but more, more might not. He saw the DJ looking at a piece of paper and then he saw Luke and Casey watching from their corners.

“We gotta break up the new music for a few, so I can fulfill a request.” The DJ announced. “So here we go, Sean, this one’s for you, Dick loves you man.” He spoke as he looked around the room.

“What the…” Veronica questioned as she looked up at Logan. His simple smirk told her everything as she quickly glanced around the room to see Dick and Sean staring at each other strangely.

As the music began to play laughter suddenly filled the gym and Dick threw his hands up in the air and quickly backed away from a horrified Sean.

Ohhhh, oh, oh, oh, ohhh.
It must have been cold there in my shadow,
to never have sunlight on your face.
You were content to let me shine, that's your way.
You always walked a step behind.

“Oh my god!” Veronica laughed as she gripped on to Logan’s arm. Logan’s laughter mixed with hers as Madison glared at Dick her mouth gapped as he shook his head quickly letting out gasps of ‘no no, not me dude’

The song played on as Sean practically ran out of the gym yelling back at Dick never to speak to him again.

“Dude! I love the babes!” Dick shouted out in his pimp costume, “I get my shimmy shimmy on with the chicks! I swear!” He declared to the crowd as the chorus echoed out at him.

Did you ever know that you're my hero,
and everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle,
for you are the wind beneath my wings.

“Dude, you and Sean? I totally see it.” Kaz Truman spoke as he and the other 09ers that stood beside him laughed, “I mean I always knew there was something….”

“Total ew man, I’m totally in it for the women! I like the boobs dude, all kinds of them.” Dick promised as his long gold chains clicked against each other when he moved quickly away from his friends.

Veronica was laughing so hard she could barely stand up. She grasped on tighter to Logan and her eyes met his as he pulled her closer to him his hands resting at her hips as his laughter fainted slightly.

The look on her face, the glow that was coming from her smile caused Logan to forget about the scene unfolding around them. All he saw was Veronica as she let out tiny giggles. Without thinking he lowered his head smiling nervously down at her as he captured her mouth with his own. He heard her gasp slightly at first and then she accepted him, kissing him back tenderly.

Veronica was shocked as she felt herself melting into the arms of her best friend. This wasn’t suppose to happen, but she wasn’t about to let it end either. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her as he deepened the kiss. Her head swam as she tried to understand what was happening. The kiss was gentle, but at the same time it was hotter than anything she’d ever had with Duncan. The way Logan was with her, how he knew just what she needed, it was perfect.

Logan felt like he was drowning as he desperately tried to hold on to the feeling he was having. He felt Veronica run her fingers through his hair and he felt his whole body tremble. He tugged her to him as his tongue traced her lips and she let out the tiniest of purrs. He suddenly felt her pull away as he let out a gasp for air. Her eyes were wide when he looked at her, her face flushed and he knew she was as confused as he was.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered as he brought his hand up to touch her face, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t…”

“No,” She spoke quickly, “We’re just…. It’s just so public.” She breathed, “Everyone’s here.”

“Oh..” Logan spoke with a shy smirk, “Yeah guess I just, well you know...”

“Yeah,” She smiled lowering head, “Yeah.”

“There’s a nice broom closet down the hall if you two want to finish!” A voice suddenly harped behind them.

“It just won’t go away will it?” Logan whispered causing Veronica to giggle lightly.

Lilly pranced around to face them both as she rested her hands on her hips. She glared at the both of them for a moment and then smirked.

“We were doing just fine without you Lilly, you can go now if you want.” Logan snarled.

“Whatever.” Lilly huffed, “So you too decided to put on a show huh?” She questioned. “Not bad, but really Logan we used to do so much better.”

“Right, because naughty nurses do it best right Lil?” Veronica questioned, “Nice costume by the way.”

“Anything beats whatever it is you two are wearing. Seriously Logan, tights?”

Logan rolled his eyes, “Oh like you could ever pull this off.”

“Lilly did you want something?” Veronica asked hastily, “Because honestly we were a little busy here.”

“Right, with the whole his tongue down your throat thing.” Lilly chirped, “So I guess that means you two are finally doing the whole honesty thing huh? Moved past all the issues.” She spoke smugly.

“You must be getting yourself and Veronica confused Lilly, Me and Tink have no secrets.” Logan spoke as Veronica felt her stomach drop.

“Oh good, so that means you told him our little secret?” Lilly questioned Veronica, “I’m impressed.”

“Secret?” Logan questioned, “Is this another one of your games Lilly?”

“Games? I play no games.” Lilly laughed as she glared at Veronica, “I’m just surprised that Veronica told you about me and Eli, that’s all.”

Veronica felt her face grow red as she quickly looked down to the floor. She couldn’t look up, couldn’t see the look on Logan’s face. She wanted to slap Lilly, but she knew it wouldn’t do any good. She had earned this, brought it on herself.

“What are you talking about?” Logan questioned, “Veronica?”

“Oops! I guess she hasn’t told you.” Lilly all but giggled, “But Veronica’s known for awhile now about my former lovah.”

“Veronica?” Logan spoke again his voice weaker again.

Veronica refused to speak as she kept her eyes staring at the floor. She tried to process what was happening but it just felt unreal to her.

“I think it was the leather jacket, or maybe it was the bike.” Lilly shrugged, “Anyway it was hot while it lasted, gotta admit though it was a bit tricky hiding Eli from you.”

“Weevil Navarro?” Logan swallowed, “Veronica!” He spoke again finally forcing her to meet his glare. “You knew?”

“Logan, it’s not like that.” Veronica whispered meekly, “I found out a few weeks ago.” She managed, “I, I heard them talking, the day after your fight with Dick.”

Lilly smiled at the two and let out a sigh, “Yeah so I’m going to go now. I’ll let you two lovers work this out.” She smirked as she turned and quickly bolted from her spot.

“Veronica, did they threaten you?” He questioned trying to stay calm, “Lilly or Weevil, did they threaten you if you told me?” He asked. “If they did, you can tell me, I won’t be upset.”

Veronica frowned, “No, not really.” She whispered.

“Not really?”

“No.” She decided with a sigh, “I didn’t tell you because I thought it was best.”

The look on Logan’s face when Veronica spoke broke her heart. She saw his eyes darken as his mouth dropped into a frown she’d never saw before. He clinched his fists as his knuckles turn white as he stared at her with hurt in his eyes.

“Outside now…” He finally spoke grabbing her by the hand.

“Logan, please let me explain.” Veronica pleaded as he led her past the onlookers and out the gym doors.

When they finally made it out of the school he stopped and turned to look at her. His eyes showed confusion mixed with anger and Veronica knew he wasn’t going to understand. She could explain, she could tell him the truth, but she knew she had waited too long.

“Explain.” Logan spoke crossing his arms, “Explain why you didn’t tell me Lilly had been sleeping with your good buddy Weevil!”

Logan’s eyes narrowed as he watched Veronica hug herself, tears glistening in her eyes. He wanted to believe it was all a mistake, that somehow Veronica could explain her lies away. He needed her to justify herself, because otherwise he wasn’t sure what he was going to do.

Veronica lowered her head, “I knew it’d hurt you.” She whimpered, “I knew she’d already done so much to you, and I just couldn’t, I couldn’t do that to you.”

“Do what to me Veronica? Tell me the truth?” Logan asked angrily, “How could you not tell me?”

Veronica bit her lip, “I didn’t want to hurt you. You have been through so much and I just didn’t think there was any reason to tell you.”

She knew how weak her excuse sounded, so cliché, and from the look on Logan’s face he wasn’t going to have any part of it. He shook his head at her as he laughed bitterly and all Veronica could do was watch.

“Gee thanks for trying to protect my feelings, because finding out like this? So much better!” Logan fumed.

“I wanted to tell you.” She promised as Logan stepped away from her, “I wanted to, but there was the fight with Dick, and I saw how you reacted. I just didn’t want to see you go there again!”

“Sure you weren’t trying to protect Weevil? I mean after all you two have been pretty tight lately!” Logan yelled.

Veronica dropped her arms as she suddenly found herself standing up straight. She glared at Logan as her so many thoughts filled her head. She couldn’t whimper away in the night, she had to at least try to make him see her side of things.

“Weevil’s been protecting us!” Veronica shouted back, “He hates Lilly for what she did to him. The reason you’ve seen me talking to him is because he’s been watching out for me and you Logan!”

“Yeah that’s one I believe!” Logan laughed bitterly. “How could you lie to me like this? I had a right to know!”

Veronica shook her head, “Why so you could go smash Weevil’s face in? Yeah that would have worked out just great Logan! You, Weevil and his group of bikers? You would have been eating through a straw for weeks!”

“Oh so you were protecting me?” Logan scoffed, “Thank you for your kindness Veronica, but honestly I would much rather have the truth!”

“The truth?” Veronica questioned, “Lilly was cheating on you with Weevil! She told him she cared about him and made him think they were going to be together! Who knows who else she was sleeping with Logan!”

“See that was much easier wasn’t it?” Logan spoke expressionless. “Nice cleansing of the soul!”

“I’m sorry Logan!” Veronica spoke taking in a deep breath, “I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you. I wanted to, time and time again, but then I would think about all the things that had happened to you and I couldn’t. I just couldn’t tell you that Lilly was even worse that we thought.” Her voice was lower as she finished. She violently wiped the tears from her eyes as Logan shook his head at her.

”I’m so stupid you know? I honestly believed that I could trust you Veronica. Out of everyone in this messed up place, you were the only one I was sure would never let me down,” Logan spoke his voice beaten; “You just couldn’t be honest though could you? You had to keep protecting Lilly, because let’s face it, that’s all you know how to do.”

Veronica watched in shock as Logan turned away from her, “Please wait.” She whispered, “This wasn’t about Lilly…”

Logan turned back to look at her and shook his head. His voice was empty when he spoke, “It’s always about Lilly, Veronica, you should know that by now.”

Veronica felt like someone had just punched her in the gut as those words hit her. She let out a tiny cry as she watched him stomp off into the darkness.

She thought about going after him, wanted to stop him and make him understand but she knew he needed time. Frowning she touched her lips and thought about the kiss just moments before, that moment was gone now and she wasn’t sure she’d ever have another one like it again.

She shivered as she felt something go around her shoulders. When she looked up she saw Casey standing behind her, his cape practically swallowing her whole.

“Come on.” He murmured gesturing toward the dark parking lot, “I’ll take you home.”

“But Meg…” She began but he simply shook his head at her.

“Taken care of,” He smiled gently, “Veronica it’s ok really.”

Veronica looked up at him her eyes full of questions. “He left me.” She whispered. “He just drove off. He hates me now, you know, like he hates Lilly.”

Casey shook his head as he put his hands on her tiny shoulders, “Impossible.” He spoke, “Logan doesn’t hate you, he’s just mad. He’ll get over it, he just needs time.”

“I can’t lose him.” She spoke honestly, “I can’t lose Logan.”

“You won’t.”

Veronica walked weakly with Casey as the music played softly in the gym behind them. So much for showing Lilly she thought. Her perfect night had been ruined, but at the same time the taste of Logan’s lips on hers strangely remained in place. She couldn’t let him go, not now, not when she finally knew what she wanted.

Lyrics used: Wind Beneath My Wings

casey, brandee_06 - who am i, meg, pg-13, mac, brandee_06, logan, veronica

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