So, lots going on in Veronicaland, and when last we left real life, I'd been laid off. Made redundant. Shown the door.
I'm actually working at the same firm that let me go. Technically, I've been employed since the end of May - but I say technically because there are a lot of moving parts to this, literally. See, they called me back and said they were going to have a similar position available and would I be interested in it? It totally depended on where that opportunity was going to be, and as it turned out, it was exactly where I wanted to go.
I've actually wanted to leave the town I'm currently living in for years and I knew when I was let go that it was time to move on. This is a small city, it's, um, provincial in its tastes, it's the kind of town where people say it'd be a great place to raise kids. Let's just say it was big news when the mall got a Forever 21, okay? Those of you who know me in real life can imagine my reaction to that ::ahem::. So there were maybe three places on my list of cities I'd consider relocating to - Seattle, though I've lived there before, so no adventure there; San Francisco, which has the very attractive benefit of being close to family and friends but is unfortunately in California and as God is my witness I never want to live in California again unless it's, like, a beachfront mansion in Malibu; and Portland, which keeps me in the PNW, a huge deal to me, because I can't imagine living anywhere else and loving it as much.
Well, guess what? Portland, here I come! Moving day is two weeks from tomorrow. I'll be moving into an apartment until A), I get a feel for where I want to buy and B) I sell my house here.
It's that last part that's killing me. Some of you may remember when I bought this house - I think I still have pictures when it was nothing but dirt and stakes. It's my baby, the perfect house for me, I was there when it was born - and now I have to leave it. I don't regret the decision to go back to work (that's worked out very well for me, for several reasons) and I love Portland and can't wait to explore, but giving up this house leaves me in tears any time I pause to really think about it. I know I'll find a new place eventually, and getting out of here has been a goal of mine for a while, but it still stings.
Aside from that, it's all good. For one thing, I get everything back - the title, the vacation, the seniority - all of that, plus a considerable bump in pay. I also have the most amazing view from my office window - I'm on the 23rd floor, facing NE, so on a clear day (hah - they do happen, just rarely) Mount St. Helens is directly out my window and if I look to the right, there's Mt Hood (that's Hood in my icon - I think). Just an amazing view of the river and the city as well.
So what does all this mean? Well, after the move and the settling in (and God willing someone buys my house SOON) - things kind of go back to normal. I'll be back on track to return to England, I can go back to buying shoes (yay!) and life goes on. And so does fic - writing, both original and fanfiction, is an enjoyable hobby no matter what's going on in my life and an escape when times are hard - and it's portable!
So wish me luck - that the move goes smoothly, that my house sells quickly, that the cat doesn't freak out any more than she already has - and we'll see how it goes!