Today, I give you
Fifty Shades of Grey continues to confound the media, this time from the viewpoint of fan fiction being written for fan fiction (albeit all gussied up as original fic, but that secret train of obviousness left the station a long time ago). My favorite part:
The concept of fan fiction itself, of course, is hardly new: “There was fan fiction before you called it fan fiction, and before there was copyright it was called writing,” University of Utah professor Anne Jamison told the AP when asked about this new trend. But would-be novelists who are writing fan fiction based on someone else’s fan fiction? That’s some seriously kooky hall of mirrors stuff.
Wow, seriously?
First, fan fiction writers are not all "would-be novelists", okay? Second - well, to think that fanfic written for fanfic is some new and crazy fad is just ridiculous. Filler article, hastily and poorly written, headline-grabbing because of FSoG - give me ten badly characterized, badly edited, grammar-hating fan fictions written with love and affection for the source material over this kind of media attention any day.