Aug 17, 2011 19:36
Okay, I don't know if anyone will actually be reading this...but here we go.
For a while now I've suspected that there's this weird inexplicable connection between River Song and Rose's like a conspiracy theory of mine, only nuttier...anyway I got this weird inkling when I first watched Forest of the Dead and noticed the Bad Wolf drawing on CAL's wall. It obviously wasn't there for the Doctor to I wondered if that meant it was there for us, the audience? Or was it specifically meant for River? Was it meant as a "sign", to show her that The Library was part of her destiny, that it was her 'Bad Wolf Bay', the place where she would be forever separated from the Doctor...I also thought the way River died was hauntingly similar to Nine's sacrifice to save Rose at the end of The Parting of the Ways, because had he not, Rose's mind would have burned, just the way the Tenth Doctor's mind would have and River's did. And the somewhat suspect coincidental similarities continue throughout the episode if you really pay attention, for example, the day the Doctor met River, she took his hand and told him one word: Run! At one point she used Jack's "squareness gun"-as it was dubbed by Rose Tyler-a fact that does not escape the Doctor. There's also a mention of Emergency Program One, the program used to send Rose home at the end of The Parting of the Ways...River's monologue after her death, about 'running with the Doctor' and it feeling like it will last "forever", is also very similar to Rose's monologue at the end of Doomsday, when she tells 'the story of how she died'. "I thought it would never end...", she says...
Both River Song and Rose Tyler are eventually separated from the Doctor by their 'deaths' and a parallel world that neither can (seemingly) escape.
And then in Series Five when River returns in The Time of Angel it's to a world that used to be inhabited by creatures that had two heads, a fate the Doctor feared when regenerating from Nine to Ten. The Doctor, River, and Amy then use a gravity globe to escape the Angels, last seen in The Impossible Planet, an episode that focused heavily on the Doctor and Rose's relationship. In Flesh and Stone, The Doctor, River and Amy are all nearly sucked into a void-a crack in time and space-used to defeat their enemies, just as Rose Tyler nearly was in Doomsday. And then at the very end when River and the Doctor part it's at a beach. A BEACH!!! And just before River leaves she tells the Doctor they'd meet again when the Padorica opened, to which he laughs and replies, "that's just a fairy tale,". River in turn laughs, and tells him, "Oh, Doctor. Aren't we all?"
They're all fairy tales, eh? *coughs* Bad Wolf, Bad Wolf, Bad Wolf.
And THEN when the Doctor and River reunite again in The Pandorica Opens, River is dressed as Cleopatra, a character last mentioned in The Girl in the Fireplace, a character Rose got indirectly jealous of due to her obviously familiar relationship with the Doctor...and at the end of the episode we hear River say, "I'm sorry, my love." Who was the last companion who could claim the Doctor was her love?
Cut to The Big Bang, ANOTHER parallel world is created. And at one point in that reality River cradles a 'dying' Doctor in her arms and then kills a Dalek...when we last saw Rose in The Stolen Earth she did just the opposite. She killed a Dalek, and then cradled a dying Doctor in her arms...And at the very, very end of the episode we see River attending the marriage of her parents...which is something Rose did with The Doctor. She also set reality back on course by giving her blank diary to Amy, who remember the Doctor thus allowing him to come back into existence...Rose has set parallel realities back on track a number of times, albeit, with the help of her father, Pete Tyler, and Donna Noble.
Freaking Amy and Rory are River's Pete and Jackie!
Which I would say is proven by the fact that both Amy and Jackie have both come on to and kissed the Doctor causing him both times to either be appalled, baffled, or horrified by their attempts to get a leg over. Lol
Plus look at his relationship with Rory, then look at his relationship with Pete. He clearly thought a lot of Pete, both Pete's actually! He also seemed to like both Auton Rory and Nurse Rory. OMG!
River has met two versions of her dad and so has Rose! WTF?!!!
Oh, and River can fly the Tardis. Single-handily. Who was the last companion of the Doctor's we saw fly the Tardis? A Miss Rose Tyler...
Then, in Series Six, we see River watch the Doctor die. Something Rose has done in the past when Nine regenerated into Ten...we see her flying the Tardis again...we hear her call the Doctor, "My Doctor."...and then at the end of the episode River and the Doctor kiss. All these things Rose did in The Parting of the Ways!
I mean, am I crazy or what? Seriously?
And then in The Doctor's Wife when Idris becomes the Tardis, she says to Amy and Rory, "The only water in the forest is the River". And her last words to the Doctor are, "I love you." Seriously.....last words..."I love you." We've heard this all before guys.
This is when my Rose Tyler/River Song connection grew into a Rose Tyler/Tardis/River Song connection...
And then come A Good Man Goes to War, we learn River is Amy and Rory's daughter, that she was conceived in the Tarids, that she is part-time lord, part-human...and that she might be able to regenerate, effectively allowing her to be with the Doctor "forever", or at least for many years longer than a human woman could.
Come on! River is basically the Doctor's Meta-Crisis Rose Tyler. She has to be.....
There has to be a connection between the two...there just has to be...the similarities between their story arcs are too numerous...
River Song is Bad Wolf 2.0.
She has to be...
Crazy theory is crazy!!!!
doctor who,
the doctor's wife,
rory williams,
the doctor,
jackie tyler,
rose tyler,
amy pond,
pete tyler,
river song,
a good man goes to war