Thoughts and stuff.

Oct 27, 2005 08:01

VM stuffs:

Veronica/Duncan didn't bother me too much this ep. I still can't like them together though. I never will. They were cute though, I must say that. She doesn't seem like she wants him though. It seems like she's with him because she likes him a lot, not because she wants him or wants to be with him or even loves him.

Still love Keith. He's the best dad ever. But why did he take the bug?

I'm sorry, but anyone who likes Lamb needs a swift kick of "WTF?" to the nose. He's such a dick and he's so full of himself and has all these ulterior motives... he's just so slimy.

Jackie is such a bitch. I honestly can't stand her. Veronica was trying to give her a chance and she threw it back in her face. She insists that she didn't say anything about Lilly, which I can actually believe. I mean, does this psychic watch TV? It's not like the Echolls/Kane murder mystery wasn't all over the airwaves, and I'm sure the press got ahold of the fact that V is with Logan after the Felix thing. It wouldn't be hard to figure out. Either way, Jackie is a vindictive little bitch, and I'm sorry, but only Veronica is allowed to be vindictive. ;)

Dude, Wallace? What is he thinking? He doesn't even know this man, and he's taking off with him? I would trust my mom at least a little bit. It's obvious that she loves Wallace and wants to protect him - what from, I'm not sure. But there has to be a reason why she did all that. I don't think Alicia is evil. I do think Wallace is overreacting by running off with his dad, and I think his dad is damaging all credibility by taking a high school student away from high school life. Wallace had better not be one of the characters that doesn't have alot of episodes signed on. I'll be upset. Oh, I love that Wallace stuck up for himself a bit. He told V how he felt and then he went and stuck up for her to Jackie. I love Wallace, he's such a great kid.

I think V was actually defending Wallace when she blew up at Jackie. Jackie took it the wrong way and then it changed the whole scene so much. When I first saw Jackie all over Logan I wasn't sure who it was she was hanging on at first, so my first thought was "That little hooker". Well, either way my thought would have been that, but you know what I mean. Am I surprised that she was drugged? No. She brought the pills out and I rolled my eyes. Of course.

The tape? Freaky. I didn't catch the explosion when I listened to it the first time, but when Veronica pointed it out I did. That's so fucked up. And Lamb doesn't even care. What a twat.

episode: 205 blast from the past, season 2

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