But the ratings for this week have arrived and VM plummeted to 1.8 million, while Gilmore Girls pulled in typical ratings (3.9 million). I'm not sure how the LA preemption factored in, but regardless, it does not look good, especially as GG was preempted also.
http://community.tvguide.com/blog-entry/TVGuide-Editors-Blog/Todays-News/Ratings-Svuturn-Worse/800014640 Thoughts? Feelings? Need a shoulder to cry on? Just keep in mind that it is not over until it's over. Nothing's certain until the 17th.
Also, he links to it in his article, but I don't think this has been posted yet. Here's some good news posted earlier today.
The trades are confirming that which Ausiello told you on Tuesday: CW prez Dawn Ostoff reportedly was impressed with Veronica Mars creator Rob Thomas' proposal to fast-forward the series a few years and plop 'Ron in the FBI, suggesting that the cult hit's long-ridden bubble isn't about to pop. "Reports of our demise have been exaggerated. We are very much in the hunt for a shot next year," Thomas tells Variety. "USA Today declared us dead, the L.A. Times declared us dead. I don't think we're dead; I kind of like our chances."