Question... and thoughts about the latest episode....

May 08, 2007 15:50

Ok, so i know last tuesday's episode aired a WEEK ago, but i didn't get a chance to see it till last night (darn school work!). So... here is something that i couldn't figure out last night (no matter how many sites i went to):

Didn't in the LAST EPISODE (the one before the big 'break' for the pussy-slut-dolls) have Veronica and Logan hook up randomly!?!??! I really THOUGHT it was that episode but cannot find a summary that includes that scene. I checked the 2 episodes before that as well... I'm talking about the scene that happens immediately following V talking to Piz about how they'd rather be with what was 'really good' rather than settle.

This whole question thing bothers me because i'm usually SO GOOD with keeping the timeline straight and everything!!! So, it's really bothering me to not be able to find an answer! I figured you guys would help me figure it out in no time flat!

Also... my thoughts can be summed up by: love & frustration. I hate parker + logan together, but i'm frustrated that the writers actually made me kinda LIKE the interaction with Piz/Ronie.... *sigh* And i thought i would be yelling "NOOOO!!!" at the screen when they kissed the first time (cuz it's been WAY obvious since the beginning of the season that something was gonna happen)! But surprisingly i actually ENJOYED the scene (and the one following it with the 2nd kiss). However, i still have HOPE for LoV because of the look on Logan's face and V's concern over him seeing her and Piz.

Ok... that's all folks! Thanks (in advance) for your help!!!

clips: season 3, episode: 316 un-american graffiti, relationships: logan and veronica, season 3, character: piz, character: veronica

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