Proposal During VM

Feb 08, 2007 16:27

If Super Bowl proposal fails, ask her on local TV

SEATTLE, Washington (AP) -- Rand Fishkin wanted to propose to his girlfriend with a Super Bowl ad. That didn't quite work out, but there was still local TV, and he got the answer he wanted.

Fishkin, 27, got into the advertising gambit after a Tennessee man who started a Web site to try to raise $2.6 million to buy a Super Bowl ad learned last fall that his dream girl would turn him down.

Fishkin took over the Web site -- -- which by then had dropped the fundraising plan in favor of luring a corporate sponsor, and things were looking good.

A major company, which Fishkin declined to name, offered to feature the proposal in one of its ads, but then withdrew, he says.

The dream was still alive, though. The site drew 200,000 page views on the day before the game, and according to Fishkin's relatives, CBS called on game day to say the network would air a video he made himself as an in-house spot. But then the network called again by halftime to say the ad wouldn't run after all.

So Fishkin turned to another funding source -- his mom -- and bought a $3,000 local ad on Tuesday during his girlfriend's favorite show, "Veronica Mars." (Watch the ad.)

In his ad, Fishkin, CEO of SEOmoz, a Seattle Web search engine optimizing company, held up a picture of himself and Geraldine DeRuiter, 26.

"The whole world?" he says. "This is Geraldine. She is amazing in every way. For the last five years, we've spent the best parts of our lives together and made it through the tough times, too. I couldn't ask for anything more in my life than her love.

"And that's why I'm here today. Geraldine, will you marry me?"

Right after the ad aired, DeRuiter said yes.

Donations of $10,000 raised by the site will go to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital in Nashville.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press.

(Not the best ep for a proposal but...)

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