Has Veronica Mars jumped the shark?
Come voice your opinion. I have two poll questions; one by episode and one by event/plot/moment.
If you don't know about jumping the shark, visit the website:
(Spoilers for everything aired so far.)
With that definition, I don't think the show jumped. I think it went downhill, but because of a series of missteps, not one big one. In fact, there's no reason it couldn't come back at any time. Maybe that's why I still watch every week.
If it did jump, I'd say it was when they solved the Lilly Kane murder, because they lost Veronica's driving motivation and were never able to replace it with anything as compelling.
But I wouldn't have wanted them to NOT solve it. But if the show could have ended there, it would have been (sad but) perfect. Maybe they could have added a shot of Logan at the door to the very end of the episode, to get rid of the cliffhanger.
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