(no subject)

Nov 30, 2006 20:59

Here is my little review for the latest episode. I hope I did the tags right. It does contain spoilers and speculation

Green Eggs and Ham: A review of Episode 3.09, Spit and Eggs.

First off, I rarely enjoy the preview more than the actual episode, and lately, that's been the case. They went too fast, relied on some random song too much, and basically, flubbed the episode up.

Let's start off with who the rapist really is. The all-too-obvious Mercer, and the bumbling RA, Moe. What's disappointing is that these two were prime suspects. The last two mysteries (Lilly Kane's murder [which hardly has been mentioned] and the bus crash[ Has this been mentioned other than with the rape?]) had the committers be a bit of a shock. Beaver (sorry, Cassidy) and Aaron were never main suspects until the last episodes. Mercer and Moe? Moe was a suspect in ep 2, and Mercer in 6/7.

Who would've been my Hearst Rapist had I been writing the show? Good ol' Tim. That board could've been a cover, making people, like Veronica, think he wanted to find who the rapist was, but really was using it to pinpoint it on someone else, and have the clues lead elsewhere. It would've made complete sense.

Now, what about the whole raping scenes? Eh. Mercer seemed more like John Travolta in Pulp Fiction during his whole unicorn rant. And come on, who didn't know Veronica was under the sheets? It was just too obvious. (Oh, and gore, RT? Are you kidding me? There was more gore in Moe's description of the bathroom incident[oh yeah, nice "Hey, remember me? Well, now I'm a rapist."])

Then, the whole Veronica running sequence: great in theory, kids, but it came off a little corny and too much like those perfume commercials where the girls run and look back, all pretty and smiling. It just seems stupid and a bad choice. I half expected to hear "Pleasures, by Estee Lauder" in the middle of the scene where she collapses. Shame, RT.

Another point: Moe drugging Veronica. Poor V, drugged for the third time like that. I didn't quite understand the phone thing, but the hair pissed me off. Wasn't the rapist supposed to return the hair, a la Maebe in "Rapes of Graff"?

Onto another topic: LoVe. I really love this couple, regardless if they're together or not. But some things bothered me: the instant breakup. I don't know, I would've liked Veronica really try harder, because (judging from her random shower breakdown) she did love him...A lot. I wanted her to really try, but falter.

Luckily, that was my only big problem with the couple. Everything after that was perfect: the awkwardness, the torch holding, the protectiveness. Logan was excellent in the whole episode(except for his slight wimp fest during the breakup). Bashing the cop car and going to see Mercy-Moe was brill. The underplaying of both was exceptional. I hadn't really smiled during the ep since Piz's dance, and the hood bashing made my day. Kudos.

And finally, the murder. Again, who didn't know Dean O'Dell was dead? Cyrus signed his death certificate the minute he stopped Keith from opening that 40 year old scotch. He never should have said that. The person who plans for the future, doesn't have a future. It's one of the number one rules in irony. And the culprit? My money's on the criminology professor. Maybe I'm reading a little too much into his "Plan the Perfect Murder" paper. He knows Veronica can find things easily(side note: I wonder who she planned on offing) so maybe he used the basis of someone's paper. Okay, it's probably far-fetched, but it seemed better in my head.

Other good points of the episode:

1. Mac: I loved her. She's completely underused in the show, and everytime she's on, I love it. RT, you better get her in more from now on.

2. Dick: Fun, fun character. Did everyone see his great photo in the Pi Sig class photo? I was entertained by it. But yet, he's a double edged sword(See low points.)

3. Piz: Piz, oh Piz. I used to hate you, but now I have intense dork love. This character was written perfectly. He was so stupid, and so perfect. For once, nothing to complain here.

4. Piz's Radio Show Guests: I love random awkward people. They light up my life. VM is perfection at random background characters.

The Low Points:

1. Dick: Where's sad Dick from 3.01? I thought we were gonna see the density in his character. Sadly, it was once and done.

2. The band at the Pi Sig party: WTF? hat was THE worst band EVER. And for college students? Bleh. If that's what college parties are like, I want no part.

3. Everything with the rape whistle: (Another poster explained it nicely, so my rant here is a little null&void, but I'll put it anyway) How is it that Parker, in another area, can hear the whistle, but none of those guys could hear? And I thought everyone was supposed to be at the party? Le sigh. Oh well.

There's my review. Feel free to do whatever with them.

episode: 309 spit & eggs, spoilers: season 3, speculation: season 3

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