Minor nitpicks

Nov 30, 2006 15:31


A couple of minor quibbles, a thank you, and a couple of thoughts

-First of all, muchos gracias to the poster (I'm sorry, I'm too lazy to link) who pointed out the connection between the picture of Moe and Mercer in their prisoner/guard uniforms and Moe's earlier comment about the professor's experiment. I totally didn't clue in that detail, although I had been wondering how these two very dissimilar guys would even know each other. And I even had the though that "Camo shirt, ew" seemed so out of character for someone with Mercer's metrosexual fashion tastes, but I still didn't get it. Thanks! It really explains a lot about that power dynamic there.

-Moe and Mercer = future serial killers. There's a recognized phenomenon in serial killer pairs of there being a dominant member of the duo, and rape, especially serial rape, signals building behavior if there ever was one. All it would have taken was a girl not taking all her dose and waking up in the middle of it to set them off, or a girl having a bad reaction to the drug...they would have decided that they liked it, and boom, Hillside Stranglers.

-Seriously, is there anything more horrifying than being in a closet, covered in the hair of raped girls, waiting for the rapists to come back?

-How on earth did Parker manage to hear that rape whistle? That was the saddest little 'fweeeee' I've ever heard, and it was at that lovely little 'dogs only' frequency. I mean, I'm glad that she did, and even more impressed that she stood there, faced her own rapist, and fought back.

I honestly thought I would loathe Parker at the beginning of the season, but she's impressing me so much more than I thought possible. She's kind of (hokey I know) inspirational. I've criticized this season in the past as being dangerously anti-feminist, but I may need to reconsider RT's position on the whole thing. Maybe he's just not a fan of phoney lip-service feminism. Parker's brand of constructive, empowered rape-prevention work + balls of steel when it counts is really awesome to see, particularly when compared with the hypocritical, obnoxious Lillith House.

-Mac! She rocks, she knows it, and she's so smart. I liked her (understated) precautions. She's a woman, and she's understandably more cautious than Wallace and Piz at the party, with her awesome shirt, and her refusal to drink at all. Heh. I may be confused, but is the sleazy whiskey-flask guy the same one who was working the front door, the one who Veronica once threw beer at?

-Hmm. Having mentioned that, did anyone else think it odd that they reintroduced that character *now* of all times? I was honestly looking for him during the episode where Veronica was working for the Pi Sigs, and kind of thought maybe he wasn't around any more. Bringing him back like that probably means he'll be important later.

-I know it's been discussed to death, but I LOVE Logan in the last couple of episodes. I feel like maybe Jason Dohring is one of the best nonverbal actors I've seen on television. Some of the most awesome scenes he's performing are ones where he also has no lines, acting his little heart out. The only way his last two scenes could possibly have been any better for me is if it'd been Lamb's car he'd taken the baseball bat to.

Shit I didn't like
-Big one: WHY did Veronica run up to Wallace and Piz's room? Not only did she have to run up a flight of stairs to do so, and also didn't leave the building, but she knew that neither of them were there, she took them to the party and left them there. eeeeegrrrrgh! It just makes Veronica seem...not as smart. And since her cleverness is the biggest reason why she's an awesome character, it pisses me off when she's dumb. They could have accomplished the exact same setup if she'd run headlong into Moe while trying to get out of the building, he could have taken her into his room then, heck, they could even have had that opening "running in slomo" shot.

That said, why didn't she take backup to the dorm? Why didn't she pull a fire alarm once she was out of the drugged girl's room? Where was her cell phone? Why didn't she taser Mercer and keep tasering him until he was unconscious? I loved this episode, but they had to really force circumstances to make that moment of Veronica's jeopardy in Moe's room happen.

-Small one: I have family members in law and law enforcement, and there is no way that Moe and Mercer would have been placed in the same cell together, giving them a chance to sync up their stories and compromise the investigation. I know Lamb's incompetent, but that's a very fundamental rule of procedure. I can fanwank Logan's placement in the cell as maybe being the result of a convenient bribe, but Moe and Mercer? eh.

episode: 309 spit & eggs

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