(no subject)

Nov 15, 2006 21:48

A lot of this is in response to some stuff that people have posted here and there and other things I've seen everywhere and in general. I'll put the paraphrase of the comments I'm replying to in bold, and then my reply.

#1. Veronica is being hypocritical and judgemental when she won't let Logan keep his secret even though she has kept her own secrets from him.
Yes, she is. People do that. People keep double standards. Veronica has double-standarded before. In season one she asked Wallace to do all sorts of stuff and never told him why. Eventually she did and we had a great best friend scene, but it took time. She is not a great friend all the time. She is not a great girlfriend all the time. She never has been. Or at least never that we've really seen. Does she sometimes contradict herself? Yes. Does she hold people to double standards? She has before. She broke up with Leo because she made out with Logan and then asked Leo to do her a favor. But would she be angry as hell if Logan had cheated on her? Even if it was just a kiss? Probably. She has used people before. She doesn't always feel bad about it. This is who she is. She is not perfect. She makes mistakes. She's real.

#2. Veronica was stupid to stay in Wallace's room with Piz, because Piz likes her.
She didn't really have many other places to go. She didn't stay in Piz's bed with him or anything. Would any person who knew Piz pretty well or at least as much as V does think that he would try something? I certainly wouldn't have. Would it be awkward? Probably. Would it be less awkward for Veronica than being at home with her dad? Maybe.

#3. Veronica is being a bitch to tell Logan that he should have stayed to make sure that people were okay in the fire or helped people.
Veronica didn't sit down and think over all the reasons why he might have left and then talk to Logan about it rationally and logically and say, "oh, I see that it would have been really bad for you to stay, you're trying to turn your life around, I understand." Maybe she will later. But what we saw on TV was her initial reaction. She's already in a pissed off frame of mind because he's lying to her (not telling her is the same thing) so when she hears that they started a fire in a hotel and practically burned down the building, I think she'd be a little angry that they were that stupid. It's her INITIAL REACTION. How many people think logically when they're angry and fighting with their boyfriend? Not everyone! I think it's realistic, moreso than if she had responded with: "Oh, it was a fire that almost burned down a whole hotel? That's it? Oh, good, well, at least it wasn't cheating on me. We're cool now, everything is hunky-dory."

#4. The girlfriend ran into the River Styx after Veronica told her not to and Veronica followed her in, and that was dumb.
Okay, we've already seen that the girlfriend was pretty naive and dumb. So that shouldn't be a surprise. Also, Veronica just said, "we shouldn't go in" not "this is a known organized crime place where people will not try to help us," so I don't totally blame the girl for still going in. Yeah, Veronica mentioned that Logan pulled a gun, but it was said so casually that it sounded like dry humor, and could have been mistaken for a joke or sarcasm by the dumb girl. How many people are serious when they say things like that?

No, Veronica should not have gone in, it was rash and dumb. Again, have we ever seen Veronica make rash and dumb mistakes? (don't check the backseat, don't call Lamb when you know that Beaver blew up the bus or that Aaron is the killer, go to the hotel where Beaver is and tip him off that you know, visit Abel Koontz in jail, go into the River Styx in the first place). Maybe it was a bit of a bigger stretch, but it was still a good scene. And maybe the sheriff wouldn't have come anyway. Or maybe she figured that by the time the sheriff got there it would have been too late and she might as well try to save her now. Seriously not everyone is so levelheaded as to think every action totally through, and Veronica NEVER thinks every action through totally. EDIT to add: Veronica running in actually goes with her reaction to Logan and the fire. She tells him he should have stayed and helped because her instict was that he should have done that, even if in hindsight or if she thought logically about it she might have decided something else. And then she, on instinct, goes in to help when if she sat down and took the time to think rationally about it she probably would have said "This is stupid, don't do it." But she acted on instinct.

#5. Veronica left her drink sitting on the table.
Okay, seriously? I've done that in malls before. Or in amusement parks. You don't want to grab your whole tray and go back up there. The only time I've ever been told to watch your drink is at parties or bars where people get drugged, not on college campuses in college cafeteries. Was it the smartest thing? Of course not. But it is possible that someone would do that. I really don't think Veronica thought, "I have a hair on my food. I need to make sure that I cover up my drink so that I don't get raped." Maybe some people's minds work that way but others don't.

#6. Veronica went to the car when she knew that she was drugged, what did she expect to do? Drive home?
Okay, I really find this to the the dumbest complaint. She was drugged. She's supposed to think logically and rationally? She was drugged! I've never had GHB in my drink, thank God, so I really can't say, but isn't it possible that like any other drug it could make your judgement go bad? Maybe in her drugged up mind she thought that the best thing to do would have been to get to home, because she would be safe there.

#7. Logan happens to be right there when she's at her car passed out.
I have no defense for this. It's tv. Sometimes coincidences happen.
There was one more thing but it's about last season so I'll put it in a separate post.

PS. Please remember that in TV world, we the audience generally see and know more things than the characters themselves know and see. We are shown things that forshadow stuff that the characters have no clue about. THAT MEANS THAT SINCE WE KNOW MORE THAN THE CHARACTERS WE WOULD MAKE DECISIONS BASED ON KNOWING MORE THAN THE CHARACTERS. CHARACTERS WHO KNOW LESS WOULD ACT DIFFERENTLY, PERHAPS IN OUR KNOWLEDGABLE OPINIONS, MORE STUPIDLY THAN WE WOULD.

mystery: hearst rapist, episode: 307 of vice and men, season 3, character: veronica

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