Diane Ruggiero and Dan Gabbe Podcast

Oct 14, 2006 14:17

Hear the writer and editor of "My Big Fat Greek Rush Week" talk about the episode!

Topics of interest include the Stanford Prison Experiment storyline, having Homer Simpson on the set, sorority girls, the zit Diane had at Rob's wedding, the fineness of Kristen's ass, the fact that Diane's the go-to racist on the team, and how BSG ended up at VM.

The last three minutes or so is just Diane and Dan geeking out over BSG. It's so funny and awesome.

(In other Official Content news, the recap contest has amended the rules so that you can recap ANY episode you want. Or, well, you can make ANY SORT OF VM-RELATED VIDEO. You still can't use images/sounds from the show, but your imagination is free to go wild. roniabirk has broken the ice.)
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