The Trailer for Next Weeks VM!!

May 04, 2006 18:16

Few things I noticed:
Mac Crying...why would she be crying...Cassidy maybe...hmmm...

Duncan!!!! DUNCAN!!!! As a hater of Duncan I sooooo hope he doesn't come back if vm gets a season three :S ...the only reason I can think for him being in the show is that maybe Veronica is still in contact with him and rings him to tell him Aaron got off and he's probably the main the pic with duncan was on the phone...

OMG!! Looks like Mr. Bus Crash Murderer Dude also killed Curley....i thought Weevil killed Curley :S

Also Aaron says "This just might be the best thing about the day I smashed YOUR head in with an ash tray." Either Lilly is there....which she is said to be and I heard rumours of a flashback....or ...i dunno....CREEEEEPY!!!!!!! eh?? And then he continues the sentence like he isn't talking to Lilly :S

There is also talk that in the background when V. is on the floor....that you can see someone in the background :S

And then there is V. with long hair :S which sorta brings foward the Lilly flashback thing but u would thought they'd use the lamo wig!?!?! You can download the trailer there if u wanna check out those few things I noticed...

I'M SOOOO EXCITED ABOUT THE FINALE....As I live in Australia I always check out all the review posts on this community before I download it....and I've decided to go Spoiler-free unlike last year....last year I knew the murderer b4 I watched the pilot :S The burden of being spoiler obsessed :P

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