Jul 07, 2005 22:09
Once upon a summer evening there were two b-e-yootiful princesses (prin-CESS-es) skip skip skipping their white and blue plastic gamepieces across the board of LIFE.
- James Joyce was white and pure while the blue sedan always drove backwards.
SPIN went the wheel of fortune, GRR went the anal one!
- A lesson to be learned that just because the wheel topples sometimes doesn't mean the spinner is dysfunctional.
But lessons are for story endings aren't they, children?
- Well, yes mother, but LIFE teaches us many lessons along the way, doesn't it?
- Ah yes, cinicism is a virtue.
That's cynicism, fruitcake.
- Carp.
All of a sudden, Spoogey-Mc-Gee rolled a 10!!!!!!!!
- Hah, hmm, huh.
In a flash, Fifi snarled with glee, stretched out her itching fingers, and grasped at the wilted $5,000 that poor, poor, POOR Spoogey-Mc-Gee was forced to hand over due to the injustices of the American police force, which Fifi was part of, and Fifi, being a staunch anti-Mexican, also started cursing the day Habibs were let into her blessed country.
- What Spoogey didn't realize was charity comes in all shapes and sizes, and gifts were given in the end to compesate for speeding tickets of past misfortune (and illegal activity.)
And so, dear children, we come to the true moral of this tale: flowing, post-modern, humanistic fairy tales should never be written in the company of s'mores, popcorn, and VINO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Oh, and the best stories end with out of tune singing.
In unison now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!