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xda February 15 2016, 18:20:43 UTC
Что-то у Вас не в порядке с данными. откуда взялась цифра 2000 человек в ливии, хотя признанные тем же США потери гражданского населения в Ливии на момент окончания войны 50 000 человек?
напоминает скрученный пробег у автомобиля........


verola February 15 2016, 18:22:35 UTC
On February 22, the International Coalition Against War Criminals gave an estimate that 519 people had died, 3,980 were wounded and over 1,500 were missing.[5]

Human Rights Watch has estimated that at least 233 people had been killed by February 22.[6]

On February 23, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Franco Frattini stated that according to his information 1,000 people had died so far.[7][8]

On February 24, the IFHR said that 130 soldiers had been executed in Benghazi and Bayda, after they mutinied and sided with the protesters.[9]

On February 25, Navi Pillay, the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations, said that reports indicated that "thousands may have been killed or injured".[10]


xda February 15 2016, 18:27:44 UTC
Убийца всегда пытается занизить число тех, кого он убил.
приведите данные кого-то более независимого

к примеру:
At least 30,000 people were killed and 50,000 wounded in Libya's six-month civil war, the interim health minister said, offering a first detailed estimate of the high cost in lives of bringing down Moammar Gaddafi.
There have been rough estimates in the past, but Naji Barakat, the health minister in the new Libyan leadership, said his figures are based, in part, on reporting from hospitals, local officials and former rebel commanders.
Barakat said he'll only have a complete count in several weeks, but that he expects the final figure for dead and wounded to be higher than his current estimates. Libya has a population of just over 6 million.
At least 4,000 people are still missing, either presumed dead or held prisoner in remaining Gaddafi strongholds, including his hometown of Sirte, Barakat told The Associated Press on Wednesday. Others killed in fighting were hastily buried, and are now being exhumed for identification.


verola February 15 2016, 18:33:11 UTC

Убийца этих людей был полковник Каддафи, конечно.

In January 2013, the new Libyan government, based on figures still being checked, estimated the number of killed to be actually far lower than previous estimates, with 4,700 rebel supporters and a similar number of Gaddafi supporters killed during the conflict. An estimated 2,100 people on both sides were missing.[98]


xda February 15 2016, 18:35:55 UTC
А если бы США не вмешивалось, они были бы живы.


verola February 15 2016, 18:37:45 UTC

С какой стати? Невмешательство в Сирии, и вы видите к чему это приводит.


xda February 15 2016, 18:43:19 UTC
да ну. а кто оплачивает подготовку боевиков в турции? не нато ли? :))))))))


verola February 15 2016, 18:57:00 UTC

Да ну? А то у Катара деньги кончились.

Не надо бреда.


xda February 15 2016, 19:01:09 UTC
Турция не член нато?
не надо бреда


verola February 15 2016, 19:03:13 UTC

Ну и что?

Турция член НАТО

США-то тут причём? В мире много действий совершается совсем без США и без их поручения

Например, палаческие диктатуры в Сирии и Ливии - и возникли, и оперировали сами по себе. И оперировали очень плохо


xda February 15 2016, 19:14:34 UTC
в нато ничего не происходит с ведома главы нато - сша.
выводы сами сделаете, или подсказать?


lx_photos February 15 2016, 19:34:00 UTC
"в НАТО" и "в Турции" - разные понятия


xda February 15 2016, 19:37:34 UTC
Если смотреть с точки зрения, на каком пляжу греть пузо - то да, разные.
а если с военной точки зрения - то нет.


verola February 15 2016, 19:37:43 UTC

Чушь какая. А в СНГ ничего не происходит без ведома главы СНГ - России? Ахахахаха


xda February 15 2016, 19:46:01 UTC
Это с какого перепою СНГ стало ВОЕННОЙ организацией?
Вот и статистика у Вас тоже такая же, чуднАя...


verola February 15 2016, 19:48:35 UTC

подставьте ОБДК

что ничего странами ОБДК не делается без согласия России?


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