Just a few things for you. I've had these sitting around for awhile and finally got to take pictures. Oh, and I'm nearly finished taking pictures of older hairs and I even finished my re-retexture of a few of them :3 But on with the new!
Peggy's March 2012 Gift, Pooklet'd. Comes in the usual eight colours. This hair is only available for YF - EF. Most new hairs are like this, and I lack the proper equipment to mesh (not to mention the ability, probably) - so unfortunately, I cannot add ages.
download Just eight recolours of a v-neck, I used Trapping's as a base. This shirt uses HP's shirt mesh. I've included the fixed version by Aquilegia.
download Noodlesims released lovely recolours of Amaryll's Vi dress on a mesh with creepers, but since I requested that dress with Stradlin boots, I'm much more partial to that mesh. Just a copy-paste. Mesh included.
download And of course, you guys get the sim in the preview picture. Wouldn't be a content dump without a sim. This is Miri Vakarian. Miri loves to have fun but is incredibly self conscious. Don't tell her I published these pictures.