Nanette, Likely: 2.5

Dec 16, 2011 15:24

This is a real short update. It's mostly so that I give nothing away in any other updates. Warning: there are visible nipples. NSFW.

I'm sure you remember last time that Nanette got married to Charlie and got herself knocked up. I told you guys that it was a boy but it turns out I lied. It's actually a girl named April. Let's get on with this!

I sort of re-did the kitchen for fun. I was missing bright colours. Don't get too attached though.

I think Nanette is missing her mom a little.

Oh SHIT. Wait...

Logan has had the want for a kitten forever. I forgot I called about an adoption before I quit last time.

This kitten comes from Rory and Morg's breeding farm. It's not really a farm, but they have cats and they make them have kittens.

This one is named Lavender.

Currently I have April stashed into what I've branded a storage room. I don't really feel like rebuilding on this lot again.

Since Charlie is still unemployed, he spends some time trying to teach April to talk.

He gets super excited when she finally acquiesces and says a word.

Nanette is slowly getting there. She was on the fast track, but she has truly mellowed out.

Exhibit A.

Nanette has even managed to put on a few pounds.

After searching through old pictures, I finally found the heir portraits.

See the fun kitchen floor? I sort of miss it.

Logan is the epitome of responsibility when it comes to this cat.

That toy is too big, man.

Charlie tends to bother April. Constantly.

One of alleliua's sims showed up, and she was missing all sorts of pieces to her outfit, so I gave her a new one.

Eleanor stopped by too.

And ever since she's left, all she wants is a pet.

Logan and Charlie still manage to find time to chat. I think this speaks well of Charlie's character.

And Nanette doesn't avoid holding her daughter. Though I can see this somehow going badly if Logan ever recalls those memories of toddlerhood.

But for now, he's a model big brother and even teaches April a nursery rhyme.

And finally, Charlie got a job in the slacker career. He doesn't have a related LTW, but he wanted a job there.

Lavender is now an adult cat. Here's hoping she has a long life (but not abnormally so.)

Logan spoils his cat as much as I spoil mine.

Nothing's changed between these two.

It seems to me that if her head is pressed down in such an awkward manner, Logan is patting her head a little too hard.

So cuuuuteee. By the way, on a completely unrelated note, I decided that this was going to be a matriarchy.

Don't mind me, I just love Bismuth.

This is why I told you not to get attached to the kitchen. I booted them from their house and put them in this house. I think plasticbox built it. It definitely wasn't me.

The kids grew up before they moved, but, eh.

Was there not a mod that enabled childhood crushes and loves? It would definitely apply here. Though I guess in a sense they're cousins. Technically they're only blood-related to Logan, but eh.

And soon comes the spares. There are way more pictures in the spare update, warning you now.

$legacy, legacy: lykeli

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