
Sep 09, 2005 21:33

I can't seem to do anything right. I can't think, I screw things up, and even though I try to do things right, I always end up screwing up. I try hard, yet I barely make it. I push and I push, but even if I try my hardest, it still isn't good enough. I feel so alone, yet I'm not alone. My grades aren't what they need to be, and my parents keep ( Read more... )

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speechless8582 September 10 2005, 03:17:31 UTC
im sorry you feel that way andrea! but i definately know how you feel on some of that. the people in our band that dont care are the ones not getting their stuff done and are the ones who should be caring, but there is nothing we can do about them. also, i think we should have a chill out day where we just spend the night at someones house and just chill out and relive some stress. as long as you dont get eaten by the couch again. haha. and you dont mess up everything. you are just focusing on everything your doing wrong instead of everything your doing right. you are 6th chair symphonic for a reason, you cant put the pressure of the whole band on yourself. i hope you feel better, and next weekend i'll try and plan this tent night 2. it would be fun, and if there is anything i can do to help you let me know.

also, dont forget if you need to/want to you can call me whenever, for homeowork or anything. if i dont answer my cell, you can call my house. i hope you feel better about everything soon. a stressed Andrea cant be eaten by my couch, and thats no fun! <333333333


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