and I don't mean the state

Sep 23, 2008 23:11

I should be trying to sleep - not that it was a particularly long day, but I need to store energy for tomorrow, as I am planning to return to Oktoberfest right after class ends round noon.

But my neighbors make sleep rather difficult.  Actually, I've only met one of my neighbors, but he has an untold number of visitors (at least three) living with him for who knows how long.  I'm afraid I can't be much more specific because their German isn't great - they may have said they'll be here for the next three weeks, or that they got here three weeks ago - but I WANT THEM GONE.  They are Georgian, which would be interesting I'm sure, but isn't because I just get annoyed - there are always three or four of them out smoking on the balcony, blowing foul smells in my room, and they play loud music and talk on their phones outside my window long into the night.  Does anyone know how to politely say, "Shut the fuck up," in Georgian?  Also, I guess I don't like the idea of countless strange 30-something men living next door to me with nothing separating our balconies.  Especially after the other day.  I ended up taking a nap in the middle of the afternoon and had my curtains open.  When I awoke I sat up and found my neighbor on the porch watching me.  He was looking me in the eye, and nodded a greeting.  Is that not creepy?

This other JYMer said he'd come rough them up and yell in Russian.  But even Russian wouldn't sound intimidating coming out of this kid - his sleepy eyes and wide grin give him a snuggly threat-level akin to flannel.  Also he's short and a red head.  Oh well.

What's weird is that they don't seem to be vacationing, but squatting.  The room never seems to be empty, I always, ALWAYS hear someone in it.  One of them told me he had a wife and kids back in Georgia.  With my luck they are refugees or illegal immigrants and will be here all year long.

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