Let them eat cake, I say!

Mar 03, 2009 07:46

"I don’t know when I started believing that the world was going to end no matter what, and there was nothing I could do about it but accept it. I don’t know when I started teasing the people who care, or when I started thinking that caring meant you were a flake. I think everyone around me seemed so convinced, so certain, that I let myself get carried away."

-Joey Comeau, "Overqualified"

Oh boy howdy do I love that quote.

I'm sitting here in the computer lab, putting the final touches on one of three group project classes I've had this quarter. The final turn in day is this Thursday, and the sad truth is this: I officially stopped caring about 10 minutes ago. And not just about this last project: about all off the projects. I'm tired of being the group member that cares the most (with the exception of one class). Because get this: as it turns out, there's actually no grade difference between mediocre work that takes me 2 hours and work that I stay up until 2 AM to finish. And even if there were, grades don't matter at this point anyway. Let them eat cake, I say! Because I officially quit.

So in happier news I bought a motorcycle. It's a 2005 Ninja 250, and it's just as exciting as I expected it to be. I'd wanted one for several months now and last month I decided to cash in my screen printing fund (which I'd been saving for almost 2 years now) and bought this one off of CraigsList. I have never been more happy with something that cost this much (and I got it for $300 less than the bluebook price). Learning how to ride it has been kind of a hassle. I'm still getting used to the concept of operating the clutch with my hand and shifting with my foot.

Anyway, gotta run to work (which, now that I'm on the subject, I'm quitting next week to focus on school next quarter).
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