Failing to plan is planning to be awesome

Jul 11, 2016 16:31

As an habitually idle fellow it's too easy to sink into a routine of no routine. Late nights and mornings lead to disorganised half-jobs, and progressively dwindling resources are the reward of an unmotivated outlook. As a disorganised chap suddenly trying to complete things, it's too easy to get fixated on one thing so that then even the most basic life maintenance gets ignored.

New Plan:

Mondays - work on something to do with making something to sell. Today I spent all day on a prototype, which is now done. All day? 10 to 3. Workshop noise and smells. Grinding, welding, drilling.

There is definitely a clear hole in the market, as I have been hunting online for these with no luck, and I see a definite potential demand. I can make them fairly cheaply I think, and would expect to easily sell for about $60 though one of the possible versions could fetch a hundy if I did it right. I'd expect to maybe sell fifty before some engineering place steals the idea, though could be as few as ten. By that time I've had another idea.

I sure could use a bandsaw. Otherwise it's a bunch of cutting disks. With a welding jig made up I could maybe knock out 10 in a day easily enough.

Tuesdays: working on the house. So far I've painted the hall, half the lounge, deleted the fireplace, crushed lots of bricks to edge the drive.

Wednesdays: admin day- take time to sort out any changes required for power account, phone plan, tax issues, research how to be a small business. That sort of thing.

Thursdays, dunno. fishing I quess.

Friday. Whatevs bro.

Weekends... housework, leftover jobs, hunting through my crap to find things to sell on trademe. Because the weekend is the absolute worst time to try to go driving around town getting anything done. Vege shopping Sunday morning.

Evenings.... fishing?

This plan is not complete but if I start a week by doing something, then the rest of the week follows productively. The opposite applies.

I've got maybe $1600 in the bank. Should be ok for a month or two.

Also: I hung up this vehicle radiator fan, runs on 12 volts. Got plenty of car batteries, and a solar charger, and this makes a hurricane blowing the metalwork fumes out the door. BRILLIANT.

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