Things that happen are easy or hard depending on how much friggin' sleep you've had beforehand.
Saturday was an excellent time to get in a bit of bodywork. I took it easy and started a stand-up job, with occasional kneeling.
The Left Front eye socket, 1pm.
And associated shit.
After 2.5 hours of every imaginable wire-cup fitting in the drill, at different angles, it is clear enough for me. Cleaned, ready to paint.
45 minutes later...first coat.
On a roll, while I have time, a decent thick coat on the rear.
All over. Still some left on which to do full prep, but anything previously zinced is now top-coated so it's done and I can stop worrying about it and get the rest sorted.
Sunday. Words fail me. Less sleep than usual. After another coat of white on the headlight corner work, I am reduced to tidying up little things.
The headlight cradle is flaking and spider-bound.
Not for long!
Getting at least two of the retaining screws undone was enough of a bonus to let me into the interior of the flaky cradle, and get it nicely cleaned out ready for the thick zinc spray, not much to be done about the metal, it will last a while longer now.
Easy does it.
Bend up a new spring from a handbrake assembly spring, because the actual headlight one is:
Once everything fits, grease ALL contact points and little parts,including a shot of grease in every hole and screw.
Get it all together,snap-in mountings snapped-in. Find a screw left out, meaning the snap-ins must be snapped out, so the screw can be replaced.
All in all a fucking good job. Considering the circumstances.
Tonight, I ate the first of my Christmas potatoes...
They were delicious. Sweet, smooth, creamy, no butter required.