This day I hit rock bottom, almost, so close it seemed to finishing this week if things go reasonably well. Of course they didn't. I have moved to an end of the vehicle which trails in the wash kicked up by the other end, and the other end was pushed through Far South landscapes in wet and dirt, snow and salt.
Didn't get off too badly then I guess:
That'll need seeing to later.
I'm practising carless living, and walked to get market veg and vet food. By the time I'm back I've solved all my problems and it's 12 Noon.
A good time to start, and I responsibly drain the fluids.
Four bolts each end, and the axles are out.
The diff and housing can come off as a unit, that's light enough.
Two U-bolts each side, and the shocks 'n' brake lines.
Sweet, now the springs.
No. The main eye bolts are frozen solid into the inner sleeve of the isolator. The mount is rigid.
See the bend, in the strong-arm socket wrench.
That right there has completely thrown out my target Christmas completion. "Fuck it", I say. "Fuck it all, and fuck the lot of them, people, grr, hate 'em." etc.
The only way is to cut it off. I tried with the grinder, and eventually in frustration started chopping at the head of the nut with it, which of course does commit me to a certain course of action.
I don't know if that was the tantrum of thwarted effort, or an impulse to force me to find a solution, because it definitely means I can't just back off, leave them in place, paint round them, and use these springs. I could undo the other end and clean up the bad stuff...
But I can't now, and anyway it would have wasted the effort of painting the other springs.
I sit, I slump, I think about chucking it in. So close.
I force a bit of reasoning into the mix, and find an answer. A quick drive across town and back....
Magic. On the first cut, anyway.
4 blades later I'm looking for alternatives and assistance, and get to grinding the bolt head off. Note the fuel tank in the background.
It helps a bit, giving the saw blade a tiny bit more room. From about 4 when I went to get the saw, to about 6.30 or 7 when I am out of the pathetic amount of blades I bought forgetting that I would be cutting into hardened steel, I give up on the second spring.
These bolts are frozen solid.
It doesn't look so bad now.
Needs paint. I spoke with the immediate neighbour, and they're pretty cool with things, so maybe I can get some prep done this week. More blades tomorrow.
There I was all paranoid about being a dick with the noise and the smells.