~~~~Ben and I have the same cold, which means that we're waking up at least 3x a night (well....I'm waking because HE'S waking) Its killing me today. My head feels like its filled with gravel. Plus, all week long, I feel SO unlike myself - late to appointments/meetings, unorganized, flighty, detached.... I don't know WHAT will get me out of this funk.
~~~~I've so totally lost my DoD civilan ID card. Not good.
Where did I lose it?
In my house.
I remember moving it on Monday afternoon and have no idea where I've put it. (cue: Flakiness music!) It also had my monthly light rail pass with it, so I'm either driving in ($8-10 a day in parking) or paying out of pocket ($3.20) to get into work until February. poo.
~~~~I'm getting obsessed with natural/unmedicated childbirth. (Before you think it, no I'm not pregnant again!!) The majority of IRL friends/coworkers that were pregnant the same time I was planned for unmedicated births. There was a nice cross-section of the population --not just the crunchy/organic/hybrid drivers that one would typically label "home birther!" Some ended up getting epidurals due to loooong labor or back labor, one ended up w/ a C-section, but the majority had the birth that they wanted (or close to it!)
In the next wave of pg'ers I don't think there's 1 in the 10 I that are thinking anything but "Epidural, please!!" and "Can I induce tomorrow?!"* These include 2 triathletes, one woman of Native American decent, and one self-proclaimed "environmental activist". None are even questioning why procedures are done, none are educating themselves outside of what their hospital or OB gives them (except for, of course, reading "A Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy" and watching "A Baby Story"). I know I should mind my own business, but I hate the fact that they're making uninformed decisions and not trusting their body to do what its suppose to do. One has already given birth and is now complaining about the cathater, the pain in her back from the epidural, and the fact that she couldn't push right. I've been biting my tounge thus far....
I'm collecting my thoughts in a more concise manner and working on a long post about this...its seriously eating up my brain these days.
*I don't want anyone to think that an epi or induction is necessarily BAD, it just seems that women today forget that we've been designed to give birth, and a baby doesn't have a schedule. Just inform yourselves, and don't do things because its convienent for the doctor!
~~~~And finally, I am addicted to Bear Naked trail mix. For some reason, I can't find it online, or even on the
Bear Naked website,** but it's all raw cashews, walnuts, almonds, cranberries, raisins, tons of pumpkins seeds and dark chocolate chips. No salt, no preservatives, no processing. Best $8 I've spent at Costco! I think I'll shortly be on my way to a
free t-shirt. Must check out their cereals
**apparantly, the trail mix is only found at Costco!