Apr 28, 2005 13:38
I'm updating more often again...yay.!
Last night was kinda interesting...
I worked from 430-9...that was NOT interesting.
Then I came home and got ready and Aaron & Emily came here around 1030ish. So I called Matt and we decided on going road soading/backroading/whatever...so we went and got some alchy and then drove around on backroads. Then a hour or so later Gina and Jason called us and we met them at the bank and all of us piled into Jasons loaner Suv. Last night was the last night he had his loaner so he wanted to beat it up...and thats what we did. We drove through this lil creek...it was funny. Then for old times we stopped out at fish n fun. Cause I miss it dearly. We went in there and I found a ton of my shit. It was amusing. And its still trashed, so that was funny too. I found GILBERTS LEG. That excited me. And I found one of my favorite tshirts, but Im scared to know why I left it out there in the first place...hahah. Who knows. But ya now I want to go out there this weekend. Gina better talk Jason into it. I heart fish n fun. Too many good and crazy times there, let me tell ya. But ya then we left before Ms Shaw found out we were there, cause Jason is suspended from there because of the bottle throwing incident on New Years. Anyways...then we were driving out and Jason decided to drive through the yards,....and we saw the lil pine tree me and jason ramped on the golf cart last fall and this time we ramped it in his car...hahha. And oh Jason almost drove us right into the lake...grrr. So yesss then we just drove back to Granville but we had to make a million pit stops through fields...and in this one field Jason had us on two fucking wheels. We almost crashed. After that it was time to go HOME. So Jason dropped me & Aaron off at his car, and we came back here and went sleepy. Shortly after Emily showed up from her "mystery ride"....then we all passed out.
And now me & Emily are sitting here ...smoking. Cigarettes. Cause thats fun.
Aaron will be here shortly I guess.
Then I dont know what we are doing.
If I dont work tomorrow Im going to Ottawa.
And buying Alice in Wonderland.
WOO. At walmart.
And I have a evil plan for walmart.
Just wait. Cause I might go to jail.