a SMAP a day (5)

Jan 27, 2016 22:07

I love SMAP and SMAP fandom. SMAP fandom is the first, and the best fandom I've known. Of course there are things I don't agree with, but those little matters don't stop me from being in SMAP fandom. I actually don't know anyone well (I used to know some people, but well, it is a different story, for another time), but being a silent reader for more than half of a decade creates some illusions that I know some smappies. or at least I know the way they love and care for SMAP.

Back in 2011, there is SMAP Museum project. I recognize some founding members of that project and I really appreciate their efforts. But, again, I am (forever) silent reader, I rarely leave comment. I didn't let them know how much I like that project. SMAP Museum's "slogan" is 20 awesome years and counting! - SMAP is turning 25. 5 years already. gosh, I can't believe that. This is love was like yesterday to me.

Can you guess who said the following??

our sweet Shingo baby~

This quote comes from SMA-word section, translated by elyn524 and complied by christ and elyn524. There are more fun stuffs for smappies in SMAP Museum. I wish the project is still alive, but the amount of infomation there is already huge and contained lots of love.

There are more senpai smappies that their blogs and posts guided me when I first got to know about SMAP. But Oh SMAP subs, Smappiesubs, and SMAP Museum are like (older) friends who helped me a lot to study about SMAP. We didn't know much, they found out something, and they shared with me. I truly hope the members are well. sometimes I miss people I don't really know that well. is that weird??

me, smap

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