So, going along with my previous entry, I'm going to stop assuming a
lot of stuff, but to do that I need your help. Basically, I'm going to
be asking questions, and the first (and I think most obvious) one I
have is:
What's so good about drugs?
PLEASE NOTE that I'm not
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Drug use is different for every person. For the recreational pot smoker its just for a good time with buddies, nothing excessive, it just makes life more interesting. they can get by without it but its fun nothign more or less. but for others drugs (mainly pot because that is all i really know a lot about)are an escape from the world. they make you happy, they are always there for you. if you failed a test, if you disapointed someone, if your life is hell, you can always turn to pot/drugs no matter hwat, and for some people that feeling of something not being able to leave them is enough in itself to make them use it. but its also the escape aspect. it justbrings you to this world, a world you would never know without drugs. as for alcohol, if you are not an alcoholic alcohol is mainly used because peopel think its fun to be drunk, and it makes peopel open up and not be so shy or whatever, i dont like alcohol at all though so i dotn have much "positive" to say about it. drugs aren't a good thing, and the feeling of being high is one of the most amazing feelings in the world, so i dont suggest anyone use drugs while upset or something because it becomes addicting. when used in moderation just to make a dull time a little more interesting they can be alright, but yeah... thats all i guess.
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