
Nov 02, 2005 16:19

Types of feminism.

  • "You don't have to be anti-man to be pro-woman." 
    ~Jane Galvin Lewis
  • "Instead of getting hard ourselves and trying to compete, women should try and give their best qualities to men - bring them softness, teach them how to cry. "
    ~Joan Baez, "Sexism Seen but not Heard," Los Angeles Times, 1974

  • "Women are the only oppressed group in our society that lives in intimate association with their opressors. "
    Evelyn Cunningham
  • "Women's chains have been forged by men, not by anatomy."
    ~Estelle R. Ramey

You may be wondering why I've seperated four quotes into a "good" and "bad" category. It's because feminism, if taken too far, is wrong, but if used right, it is good.

In the past, as we all know, women were opressed, men were Shovanist pigs, etc., etc., until feminism came along, and things started getting more fair. Now, in this day and age, it seems that the situation's a lot better than before, with only small, social instances, if you will, of sexism against women. But what about guys?

Now, you see, I believe that feminists, male and female alike, are taking things a bit too far. Men are getting hell antagonized out of them for being men, everyone's starting to bitch about "poltical correctness", and women are starting to act like men used to, the exact thing they are supposed to "oppose". For example, in this excerpt of an article by Andrew Bock written for The Mens' Rights Agency, he shows what can happen when the media starts wrongly discriminating teenage boys:

"John Marsden, the best selling adolescent fiction writer, and author of the non-fiction books Secret Men’s Business and The Boy You Brought Home, says teenage boys are also among the most maligned group in our society. “They are more maligned than any other age group and gender. The media portrays them as either drug-crazed, illiterate, unemployable, suicidal, failing at school, sex criminals or vandals. So adults tend to treat them more suspiciously and that causes them (unconsciously) to become angry or frustrated or alienated.” "

(SOURCE: http://www.mensrights.com.au/index.php?article_id=125)

Does that really sound fair, that guys are stereotyped like that? Does it sound like ME? And lets look at an example of "political correctness:
  • "History is herstory too"

A lot of people don't know this, but the thought of "herstory" isn't designed to challenge the fact that the male pronoun "his" is found in the word "history", rather the fact that women have, in the past, been rather undocumented, so to speak. But, that doesn't make it right. The  thing is, saying "herstory" IS sexist, a pro-woman approach to the past, seeing as the word "history" is *NOT* composed of "his story", rather "hi story". So by changing it deliberatley to include the pronoun "her", feminists are, in essence, going against their own goal, that of no sexism. Some radical feminists also blow the word "history" waaay out of proportion, claiming that it really IS sexist and all, even though THEY ARE WRONG. Biased, one sides fools who think that all women are great and men are scum. That really pisses me off, a lot. Because I, for one, don't give a damn about what a person's sex is, I care a lot more about who they are as a person. and if any of you were wondering...

"History" comes straight out of Rome, from the Latin word historia, which means basically what our word for the past means today. The French adopted the word, and after some more adoptation and such us English speakers started using it. And... what's that? What's that ending on the Latin word for history??


Gee, isn't that something? And I also don't think feminism's that great - it's just showing even MORE that there's sexism in the world, and I say "what better way to end sexism then if everyone ignored it?"

Which leads me to tell you all...


And it is good. See, the egalitarian philosophy states that, basically, everyone is equal, and lets leave it at that. So there's none of that bickering and stating you're a feminist or a masculinist or gay or anything, because that just promotes discrimination, by having distintctly seperate groups saying how different they are from everyone else. A very bad definition and all, but basically, if everyone truly didn't care if anyone was different than them, nobody would be arguing over said differences, and the world would be happier. But whatever. I'm now drained from writing this, but I want everyone to know I don't mind feminism, I just don't think it really applies as mcuh as egalitarianism does, because with the latter theres no male-hating and such involved on the flip side, either. So yeah. This entry was a bit wierd and all, but it's just so "grr grr feminists" because I get a bad wrap from a lot of girls/women, especially my sister and mother, for being sexist. Why?

Because I'm not afraid to get in a fight with my sister, and if it gets physical I'm not going to not hit her because she's a girl. Not as hard as I can, mind you, but just to return the blows she's rained down on me. Antagonizing me as they do, said females of the house say that I AM sexist, even though I try to be "equal" in what I do, in this case hitting, because I'm using my strength as a guy to push my sister around. Gee, mom and sister, that sounds awfully like discrimination, seeing as I can't really control my size, height and strength. You can't win with feminists. When you try to be fair, you're called a shovanist alpha-male, and when you try not to be you're called a masculinist. It's everywhere, really. Sometimes I really do wish we lived in Oceania.

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