Most of my fic is also posted at
my AO3 account, and most of my Life on Mars can be found at
The Collators' Den Life on Mars
Convergence (
AO3) - 7,790 words, PG-13, Gen (February 2009)
Characters: Sam Williams, Sam Tyler, the TCG (sort of)
Summary: Usually it had just been little things: moments when he closed his eyes or wasn’t thinking about anything in particular, when he would remember something that had never happened.
Notes: This is definitely a bit of a mindfuck, with a little timey-wimey reality wobbliness. It seems to me that Sam Williams is underused in fic, so I had fun writing entirely from his perspective.
Tin Star (
AO3) - 2,070 words, PG-13, Gen (February 2009)
Characters: Gene Hunt
Summary: The door was old but the lock was sturdy, and it took him an extra kick to get it open. There was Harry Outhwaite staring down at him, with bulging, glassy eyes.
Notes: This is based entirely on the story Gene tells Sam in S01E04, about his first partner, and how he first went on the take. And all the OCs in this have names filched from High Noon.
Cards on the Table (
AO3) - 920 words, G, Mostly Gen, but with some Ruth/Vic (May 2009)
Characters: Ruth Tyler
Summary: And whatever Vic said, whatever he promised, there was never a straight flush or a full house, and only occasionally did she spy a single pair.
Notes: Written for the Gambling Challenge at
Clothes Make the Man (
AO3) - 550 words, G, Gen (May 2009)
Characters: Annie Cartwright, Sam Tyler, Gene Hunt
Summary: Undercover-in-a-gay-bar genfic. Silliness, with cross-dressing. Er, in a manner of speaking.
Notes: Written for the Undercover Challenge at
Symbiosis (
AO3) - 2,740 words, PG, Gen (September 2009)
Characters: Sam Tyler and the ensemble, especially Gene
Summary: Three types of symbiosis, three views of Sam's 1973
Notes: Three thematically linked vignettes.
Myself, I'm Made of Nothing (
AO3) - 2,650 words, PG, Gen (October 2009)
Characters: Sam Williams, Gene Hunt, and a couple of OCs
Summary: The boy didn't reach for his proffered hand, but his eyes flicked from the far wall to Gene's face. "Are you here to arrest me?" he asked. The voice was flat, devoid of any interest or emotion.
Notes: Written for the
lifein1973 Ficathon 2009, based on the prompt: "Sam Williams, orphanage, dark."
Deck the Halls (
AO3) - 1,750 words, PG, Gen (December 2009)
Characters: Gene, Sam, Annie, Chris, Ray
Summary: In which Gene returns to work and tries to work out what the bloody hell has been going on in his absence.
Notes: Written for
martianholiday 2009. A bit of silly Christmas nonsense.
Strangers (
AO3) - 1,200 words, PG-13, Gen (December 2009)
Characters: Nelson, Neil, Joni Newton, Ruth Tyler, Vic Tyler, Eve Olawi, Harry Woolf, Glen Fletcher, Lesley Roy, DCI Frank Morgan, and Dr. Frank Morgan. But really, it's all about Sam.
Summary: 11 views of Sam.
Notes: A collection of minor character drabbles (and one double drabble).
All the Chains Holding Me (
AO3) - 2,600 words, PG-13, Het & Slash (February 2010)
Characters: Sam Tyler (Sam/Annie UST, Sam/Gene UST)
Summary: This is '5 Things' fic in all but name, on the theme of repression. Alternate titles could be any variation on '5 Times Sam Didn't Act on his Desires,' or '5 Ways in Which Sam is a Repressed Little Angst Bunny,' etc.
Notes: The lyrics quoted are from "I Wish I Knew How it Would Feel to be Free", as is the title.
You're On My Mind (Like a Song on the Radio) (
AO3) - 2,150 words, G, Gen (April 2010)
Characters: Young!Sam, Older!Sam, Annie
Summary: In which Sam has an unsettling encounter.
Notes: Written for the Birthday Challenge at
1973flashfic. Title taken from “Song on the Radio” by Al Stewart.
Memento Mori (
AO3) - 1,650 words, PG-13, Gen (May 2010)
Characters: Sam, Annie, Gene, and the TCG
Summary: A mysterious message appears on a blackboard, the dead rise from their graves, and Sam’s world is inexplicably rendered in verse.
Notes: For the Zombie Challenge at
1973flashfic. This is probably the strangest thing I’ve ever written.
Dining on Pluto (
AO3) - 1,060 words, PG, Gen (May 2010)
Characters: Sam Tyler, Gene Hunt
Summary: In which we discuss the significance of the pomegranate, much to Gene's chagrin.
Notes: For the Food Challenge at
Lost at Sea (
AO3) - 1,660 words, PG, Gen (December 2010)
Characters: Chris Skelton, Annie Cartwright
Summary: Chris has a terrible secret, but revealing it may help solve a most despicable murder. Whatever will he do?
Notes: Written for
martianholiday 2010, based on the prompt: Chris and Annie work together on a case and bond over something stupid. Gen, preferably, on the lighthearted end of the mood spectrum.
To What Abode We Go (
AO3) - 1,700 words, PG-13, Gen with background Sam/Annie (May 2011)
Characters: Sam Tyler, Annie Cartwright, Gene Hunt
Summary: Sam discovers the disquieting truth, and makes his final decision.
Notes: Set in Ashes to Ashes continuity, with major spoilers. Probably won't make much sense if you haven't seen the A2A finale.
The Coldest Summer (
AO3) - 850 words, G, Sam/Maya (March 2012)
Characters: Maya Roy, Sam Tyler
Summary: “It was always going to be ill-timed, Sam. That’s why we kept putting it off.” Putting it off, like it was a trip to the dentist instead of a nice holiday in the sun.
Notes: The only reason this is set in SFO is because I wrote it at the end of a stressful semester, when I rather desperately wanted to go home to the Bay Area.
Wrong (
AO3) - 100 words, PG, Gen (November 2008)
Characters: Sam Tyler, Gene Hunt
Notes: Written for the
lifein1973 Friday Drabble Challenge, for the "icon" prompt.
Red Dress (
AO3) - 100 words, G, Gen (November 2008)
Characters: Ruth Tyler, Annie Cartwright
Notes: Written for the
lifein1973 Friday Drabble Challenge, based on the prompt, "women."
Life on Mars/Sandman Drabble (
AO3) - 100 words, Gen (May 2009)
Characters: The TCG, Merv, Cain, and Abel
Notes: Written for the
lifein1973 Friday Drabble Challenge, based on the prompt, "How the Test Card Girl spends her time away from Sam."
Personal Mythology (
AO3) - 100 words, Gen (October 2009)
Characters: Sam Tyler, with Annie, Chris, Ray and Gene
Notes: Written for the
lifein1973 Friday Drabble Challenge, based on the prompts "knee" and "window."
Foreshadowing (
AO3) - 100 words, Gen (October 2009)
Characters: Sam Tyler
Notes: Written for the
lifein1973 Friday Drabble Challenge, based on the prompts "foreshadow" and "railing".
Until You're Mine, Sweet Valentine - 100 words, Gen (February 2010);
Longer Version (
AO3) - 175 words
Characters: Sam Tyler
Notes: The drabble version was for a Valentine's Day
lifein1973 Friday Drabble Challenge. I reduced it from the longer version, which is posted in my LJ. Rated M for Morbid.
Vantage Point (
AO3) - 100 words, Gen (June 2010)
Characters: Better left as a surprise
Notes: Written for the
lifein1973 Friday Drabble Challenge: write your drabble from the POV of a stranger to CID or from the POV of a minor Life on Mars character
Two Extended Drabbles from Strangers (Posted separately at AO3 as
Concern and
Choice) - 200 words each (March 2012)
Characters: Eve Olawi and Leslie Roy, respectively
Notes: Both of these were in the original draft of
Strangers, but I ended up cutting them down to 100 words because I thought that as double drabbles they threw off the balance of that fic. I like them better as double drabbles, though, and both can be read as standalone pieces.
Loyalty (
AO3) - 100 words, PG, Gen
Characters: Harry Outhwaite, Gene Hunt
Notes: This snippet is what eventually evolved into
Tin Star. My initial plan was to write something about young Gene from Harry Outhwaite's POV, and then after getting about 97 words in I decided I would rather write something about Gene's experience of the incident from his perspective instead. I liked the idea of this scene, though, so it did turn up as a remembrance of Gene's at the beginning of Tin Star, including the final line. Since it was 97 words long when I rediscovered it, I tweaked it into a drabble.
I, Claudius
Mater Familias (
AO3) - 2,820 words, PG-13, Gen (November 2009)
Characters: Antonia, Claudius, Aelia, Livilla
Summary: Antonia executes her daughter, and tries to live with her disappointing son.
Notes: Written for the
femgenficathon 2009.
Weak (
AO3) - 200 words, PG, Gen (March 2010)
Characters: Antonia, Claudius, Livilla, Germanicus
Summary: Antonia deals with childhood squabbles.
Notes: Response to a "drabble" meme. There are several other snippets from various fandoms on the same page.
Regina (
AO3) - 200 words, PG, Het (March 2010)
Characters: Livia/Octavian
Summary: Livia knows that the new Julius Caesar is destined for great things.
Notes: Response to a "drabble" meme. There are several other snippets from various fandoms on the same page.
Due South and C6D
I've Got You Under My Skin (
AO3) - DS, 461 words, G, Gen (March 2010)
Characters: Fraser, Ray V., Ray K.
Summary: In which Fraser, Ray and Ray go shopping for Giant Microbes, for reasons that don’t need exploring at this juncture.
Notes: Response to a "drabble" meme. There are several other snippets from various fandoms on the same page.
Foibles and Phobias (
AO3) - DS, 300 words, G, Gen (June 2010)
Characters: Fraser, Turnbull, Thatcher, Dief
Summary: In which Turnbull inadvertently causes a slight disturbance at the Consulate.
Notes: Written for the
ds_snippets prompt, ‘flamingo.’
For the Birds (
AO3) - Slings and Arrows, 300 words, G, Gen (June 2010)
Characters: Anna, Darren
Summary: In which Anna is the bearer of bad news.
Notes: Written for the
ds_snippets prompt, ‘flamingo.’
Nightmares (
AO3) - 9,300 words, PG-13, Gen with a bit of RayK/Stella (May 2012)
Characters: Benton Fraser, Ray Vecchio, Ray Kowalski
Summary: Crossover with the Buffyverse. "This might have been your destiny," said his grandfather.
Notes: 6 vignettes placing the characters of due South into the Buffy/Angel universe
Good Omens
On Transmutation (and Tortoises) (
Slightly modified version at AO3) - 775/885 words, PG, Gen (October 2011)
Characters: Aziraphale, Crowley
Summary: c. 1859. In which Aziraphale reads the latest bestseller, and he and Crowley take a trip to the Galapagos.
Notes: Written for
anthean, who requested: "Aziraphale in history, any time period you like, but must include a turtle." I cheated, since this technically involves a tortoise.
Old Man Kangaroo (
AO3) - 185 words, PG, Gen (March 2010)
Characters: Adam, Dog
Summary: Dog encounters a fearsome enemy in Australia.
Notes: Response to a "drabble" meme. There are several other snippets from various fandoms on the same page.
Custodes (
AO3) - 200 words, PG, Gen (March 2010)
Characters: Crowley, Aziraphale
Summary: Bay of Naples, 79 AD. Crowley and Aziraphale watch from afar.
Notes: Response to a "drabble" meme. There are several other snippets from various fandoms on the same page.
Snakes on Crack - 5 drabbles, PG, Gen (August 2006)
Characters: Crowley and Aziraphale
Summary: Crack!fic, written one week after I saw Snakes on a Plane. 4 are SoaP/Good Omens and 1 is SoaP/HP. Yeah.
Notes: Again, with the lack of shame. *facepalm* These are all pretty stupid, to be honest. *cringes*
Good Omens Mpreg Spawn - 880 words, PG, Gen-with-implied-Slash (May 2006)
Characters: 2 deliberate Mary Sues
Summary: I was contemplating what GO Mpreg Sues would look like, and this is the result. My sincere apologies.
Notes: Seriously, NO SHAME. This was inspired by
an exchange I had with the artist of
this picture.
Harry Potter
Ambiguity (
AO3) - 4,400 words, PG, Gen (August 2006)
Characters: Sybill Trelawney, with appearances by Lily Potter and Alice Longbottom
Summary: Sybill Trelawney, fortune-teller extraordinaire, finds herself in need of a career change.
Notes: Written for
femgenficathon 2006.
The Harry Potter Fan Club (
AO3) - 1,150 words, G, Gen, though with one-sided GW/HP implied (October 2006)
Characters: Colin Creavey and Ginny Weasley
Summary: Colin and Ginny bond over a shared interest.
Notes: There is a lengthy introduction to this which can be found
here. Written for
Accident (
AO3) - 280 words, PG, Gen (April 2007)
Characters: Olive Hornby
Summary: It wasn't as though she was the only one in Ravenclaw to ever make Myrtle run off to the toilet to mope.
Notes: Written for
15_minute_fic, word #8- breakfast.
Let a Rat Into Your Heart - 1,300 words, PG-13, One-sided Slash (May 2004)
Characters: Voldemort and Peter Pettigrew
Summary: Voldie/Wormtail crackfic.
Notes: The fact that I am linking to this, proves I have no shame. I wrote this ages and ages ago, and it was really just an inside joke between me and my RL BFF. It's not even particularly funny crackfic, it's ridiculously (and deliberately) OOC, and I was 16 when I wrote it... and yet I can't bring myself to take it down. I'm strangely fond of my Old Shame. Since it's still posted to my account, I am linking it here as well so I can explain myself. Feel free to point and laugh.
On the Benefits of a Classical Education (
AO3) - 250 words, G, Gen (April 2012)
Characters: Bertie Wooster and Jeeves
Summary: Bertie Wooster grading student papers. Shameless crack.
Notes: Written at about 1:00 a.m. after a round of grading student papers, because I had reached that point of giddy insanity where the idea of writing one's grading comments in Wodehousian pastiche seems like basically the funniest thing, ever
Seeing and Believing (
AO3) - 270 words, G, Gen (March 2010)
Characters: Mulder, Scully, the TARDIS
Summary: An X-Files/Doctor Who crossover
Notes: Response to a "drabble" meme. There are several other snippets from various fandoms on the same page.
Zeal - 1,130 words, PG-13, Gen (June 2006)
Characters: A Paladin (from Diablo II canon)
Summary: A weary Paladin faces his obligations.
Notes: This was… well, this was a strange thing for me to write, as I had never gone anywhere near the Diablo II fandom before and have never spent any time there since. I enjoyed the game, but that's not what inspired it either. My dad went through a long period of near-obsession with this game. One night, at around 1:00 am, I was watching him get increasingly frustrated as his character died over-and-over again while facing down the titular monster, and this entered my head. I dutifully wrote it down, and gave it to him as a consolation prize. And that is how I came to write my first, last and only Diablo II fanfic.