Dec 05, 2006 22:56
Okay, this appears to be a conglomeration of two different memes, each of which I have done several times over. However, I am both a sucker and a nerd, and this is changed enough to be something new. So here goes.
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
Opening Credits: "Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie" - Black Flag (Nice-- Appropriately badass)
Waking Up: "Peg And Awl" - Carolina Tar Heels (Appalaichian folk stuff-- Not entirely unfitting. And a pretty hilarious transition from Black Flag)
First Day At School: "New Pollution" - Beck (Works well enough)
Falling In Love: "Radio Hour 6/14/70 - Part 1 of 4" - Firesign Theatre (This would just be confusing. Which I guess is perversely appropriate.)
Fight Song: "Shiny Things" - Tom Waits (Apparently, I'm a pretty mellow fighter)
Breaking Up: "Climbing Up The Walls" - Radiohead (Meh-- I'd like to think I wouldn't listen to something quite that mopey.
Prom: "3.38" - The Pop Group (I like this one-- Apparently, my prom was held in an early 80s post-punk dance club)
Life's OK: "Talk About Fucking, Side 2" - Big Black (I guess this works-- I like listening to jokey Steve Albini interviews when life's OK)
Mental Breakdown: "Navajo Shizhanee" - Albert G. Sandoval Jr. & Ray Winnie (An actual Native American field recording-- Fitting, in an experimental film sorta way)
Driving: "The Taster (Fancy Version)" - Wild Man Fischer (This has actually occurred more times than I can count)
Flashback: "Ali Baba's Camel" - Bonzo Dog Band (Evidently, I was an Arabian outlaw earlier in the narrative.)
Getting Back Together: "X Offender" - Blondie (HOLY HELL THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER. Listen to the song if you don't get it)
Wedding: "A Danger To Myself And Others" - MST3K (Nice-- Hillbilly weddings make any movie awesome)
Amazing Hot Sex Porno Scene: "Cancelled Check" - Beck (Funny... The only ones that uniformly don't work with my iTunesare the love/sex ones...)
Birth of Child: "Say It Loud (I'm Black And I'm Proud) Part 1" - James Brown (Wow-- This is almost as awesome as "X Offender")
Final Battle: "Blinded By You" - Starlight Mints (Almost works, but not really)
Death Scene: "Cockeye" - Deadbolt (It's hard to express how awesome this one is, because I don't know how many people reading this know this song. Suffice to say, it's a guy screaming taunts and threats in a vague accent over a surf riff. DOWNLOAD IT RIGHT NOW.)
Funeral Song: "Take This Job And Shove It" - Dead Kennedys (I sincerely hope and pray that this is played at my actual funeral)
End Credits: "Mr. Clean" jingle (...and, my life has corporate sponsorship. Awesome!)