Feb 12, 2009 00:40
Since I've been stewing at home trying to kick this cold, I've been playing with some citrusy hot toddy concoctions (rum is curative, right?). Have not reinvented the wheel or anything, but have found things that I like! For all you pirates with head colds out there...
(in a fair-sized mug)
2 jiggers Plantation rum*
1/2 lime, cut into wedges and squeezed
1 tbsp dark brown sugar
1 cinnamon stick
fill with boiling water
It's possible I was more enthusiastic with the rum than that, but then again, it was a fair-sized mug. Please adjust measurements to taste, esp as I am really guessing at what proportions I actually used. This, by the way, is essentially a really nice version of grog. Ahoy!
(again in a fair-sized mug)
1 jigger Plantation rum
1 slice lemon, lightly bruised into mug
Several slices of fresh ginger
1 cinnamon stick
1 tsp dark brown sugar
fill with boiling water
Absolutely like a hot toddy version of a Dark & Stormy. For a more pronounced gingery flavor, I would add some fresh grated ginger. For a richer, denser flavor I would add at least another jigger of rum, and more sugar; at one jigger it's more like a light tisane.
* I like Barbados Plantation rum - the kind in the bottle with the raffia net. It's cheap, has a nice lightly fruity molassesy flavor, and takes really well to hot mixed drinks.