Jul 07, 2011 09:32
1) I apologize to the ladies of the boomstick. I didn't mean to just disappear like that. Boy1 fell off his bike and scraped the crap out of his face. He also bloodied his nose, and we thought it was broken. We went to town to the ER, and by the time we got there, he was calm enough I could evaluate him. Scraped, banded, raw, but nothing out of place or lose. So, we all got ice cream and came back home. Woot saved me $200 for the ER visit.
2) Lola my trusty laptop of 5 years is acting up. I think she is dying a slow death. My goal today is to pull everything off her that I need, like the almost completed next chapter, and some pics I want. Right now she won't run any programs, not even word or transfer files. This sucks, I can't afford a new computer... I just bought one for hubby, and an still paying that one off.