[OOC] HMD / Character Information

May 13, 2020 06:46


Bothered by how I RP Edward? Want to comment on something I've done with the character? Click the link above to give me a piece of your mind, good or bad.

Character Information

Name: Edward
Fandom: Infinite Undiscovery
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Time Period: After Kristopher and Seraphina join the party in Kolton
Wing Color: Off-black
History: Wikia Link


Edward is a reasonably nice guy buried under a lot of prick. He is a loyal follower of Sigmund the Liberator and a strong member (pretty much the second-in-command as far as front-line battles go) of the Liberation Force, the group devoted to traveling around the world liberating the moon from the Order of Chains. He hero-worships Sigmund, a habit that began from the moment they met, when Sigmund saved his life. He pledged his life to serving Sigmund from then on and has never broken his pact, and has in fact fully devoted himself to becoming Sigmund's strongest and most loyal supporter. He keeps his cool for the most part, but he's also quick to anger and has quite a temper if you push the right buttons, which isn't all that hard to do. Insulting or denouncing Sigmund - hell, even offering up the slightest bit of negative commentary - earns his ire and his wrath. Essentially, if you think Sigmund is awesome, you'll probably get along with Edward. If not... it takes a lot of work. He doesn't mince words, and says what's on his mind regardless of what it means or whether or not it might hurt, and like most boys, talking about his feelings or apologizing is AWWWWKWARD.

Because his second lunaglyph was requested to the emir of Fayel by Sigmund, Edward sees the glyph as a gift from the Liberator and as such treasures it, despite the trouble it causes later. It also boosts his ego quite a bit, and causes Edward to believe that Sigmund was implying that he is the one Sigmund relies on the most. He is blatantly and obviously jealous of Capell because Sigmund gives the other man special attention and a great deal of (what Edward sees as baseless) trust. During his vermification, it is Capell who saves his life; that fact, combined with the experience itself, causes Edward to alter his perspective quite a bit, and he learns to trust and rely on Capell, and the two are able to become friends.

After his vermification, while still gruff, Edward becomes significantly less irritable and intolerant. He actually has quite the switch-around and decides to support Capell fully and wholeheartedly; calls him leader, becomes his friend and confidant, and even teases and smiles with him when the time seems right. When Capell needs a guiding hand and someone to watch his back, he knows where to look.

Edward is very impressionable, particularly in regards to other men. It's implied that a lot of his anger issues were due to the loss of his father; as a child he was reliant on his family, and losing his father droze him to push people away and get into fights, even wander unarmed into dangerous lands. When Sigmund saved his life, Edward was instantly smitten- Sigmund became his idol and master, the one he would serve, protect, and follow to the grave if he thought it would do the man even a modicum of good. When Sigmund died, he at first rejected everyone he knew, denying Capell's worth and the wisdom of his decision to take up Sigmund's goal as his own. He was determined to carry out his lord's mission and become the successor, no matter what anyone said or believed; it was a huge matter of pride for him, a way to atone for allowing Sigmund to die. Once Capell saves his life, however, the mantle of Edward's leading man, so to speak, is shared by Capell. He doesn't replace Sigmund by any means, but he earns Edward's trust and friendship. Late into the game, Capell considers Edward to be his best friend.

Some of Edward's up-to-date title descriptions (Capell's point of view):

Best Friend: We always know what the other is thinking. It's like we have telepathy!
Disciplinary: He's a pretty good leader. Knows how to take control of a group.
Thoughtful?: Though he's harsh with his words, he cares. His strength rises when an ally falls.
Serious: He's just too serious! Even serious about being serious!
Adamant: He's so serious about fighting that he sometimes gets a little experience point bonus.
Sigmundite: He worships Sigmund as a god!

Addendum: He hates peppers and broccoli. :| "Anyone who likes them is a sorry excuse for a person." Calling someone a (hollow) pepper is considered an insult for him.


Physical: Edward is a tank. Seriously. He doesn't really look big (he's tall, 6' to be precise, but he's kind of scrawny for your average tanker), but he has enough muscles in those arms of his to swing around massive Cloud-worthy broadswords like they're nothing. He's pretty speedy with them, too. He was granted a wind-based lunaglyph at birth, and early on in the game is granted a second glyph in Fayel, with the element of fire, on his left hand. With these two glyphs he's able to add those elements to several of his techniques, and can cause quite a bit of destruction when he puts his mind to it. He has a number of powerful elementally-boosted attacks he's learned/developed in his time with the Liberation Force, and he never hesitates to charge headlong into battle. His attack stats are kind of ridiculous.

Mental: Mentally, Edward is actually a pretty strong leader, even though he's hard-headed and downright nasty at times. He has confidence in himself and his abilities (bordering on cockiness), but he at least knows when he's over his head. Often in battle he states that he can fight alone, but never hesitates to ask for help when he feels it is necessary or if he's outnumbered. He's good with kids, and he's also surprisingly polite unless he loses his temper- he was a nobleman, so he was raised with good manners. Even in the worst of moods, he still says "please" when requesting aide and "thank you" when he gets it. Also, he's incredibly brave, able to take the front line without hesitation or fear. He does get a little cocky with it sometimes (claiming he can handle a fight on his own), but if it seems like he's going to be overwhelmed, he's the first one to ask for help.

Emotional: Edward is actually very emotional, and this is both good and bad, because for the most part he tries to keep it to himself. More on that later. When he's in shock, he can actually get ahold of his emotions pretty quickly; immediately following Sigmund's death, he's able to tell Balbagan off for losing his cool and yelling, when he probably felt like doing much the same himself. After his single night of grief, he's able to suppress his anger and tolerate Capell's impersonation of Sigmund most of the time, focusing on leading the group, which leads to some clashing when the others try to get Capell to lead. After a number of character-developing ordeals, he gets much better at focusing on the good rather than the bad, which leads him to become more encouraging, helpful, and genuinely kind. He uses the strength of his emotions to support Capell and the rest of the Force rather than causing fights and bringing them down.


Physical: Despite being physically strong, Edward's main weakness is that his body is very susceptible to corruption. During the game he contracts a lunaglyph disease, which can cause either death or a state known as vermification - essentially, the person becomes a monster. This state is caused by a special rain (lunar rain) that boosts the power of the lunaglyph. When the body can't handle too much power, this disease can occur, and Edward is very sensitive to it. (In canon it takes all of five seconds in the rain for the symptoms to appear, srsly.) He tends to have issues with the glyph on his left hand - he often holds it like it's painful, but never admits it aloud. Due to his vermification experience, he's wary of using his lunaglyph's power, and is afraid of his own power because he doesn't want to become a monster again. Additionally, while Edward can boost his attacks with his lunaglyphs, he can't use magic at all, and he lacks the patience to really learn how, so it's unlikely that he'll ever learn anything besides physical fighting.

Mental: Both mentally and emotionally, his reliance on Sigmund borders on unhealthy. Sigmund is essentially his entire world, and losing his friend and idol can break him just as badly as vermification. He tries hard to become as great a leader as Sigmund, and as a result he tends to push himself too hard, even to the point of exhaustion. He hates admitting his own weaknesses and strives to be perfect, which can lead to dangerous situations. He can also be selfish, especially when it comes to Sigmund. He doesn't like it when other people get more of Sigmund's attention than he does and tends to dislike those who do. Still, he's done a lot of growing up since Sigmund's death, so he isn't nearly as bad as he used to be. That doesn't change the fact that once he forms an attachment to a person, that attachment constantly borders on possessive. Curiously enough he doesn't often view women to be a threat to him as much as other men; he never seemed to protest Sigmund's affection for Michelle (Eugene disliked her more than Edward did), but Capell was a huge problem for him.

Emotional: As stated above- while he's emotionally strong, he's also kind of emotionally retarded. He has practically no control over them, and when he feels things, he feels them very intensely. Love, anger, hate, jealousy, whatever he experiences, he takes it to the max level with no holding back. He's developed some control over them since his last trek into Luceti, so he's marginally better at socializing and the like, but he's still pretty dependent on others for the heart-to-heart stuff- he'd rather stick to dishing out physical damage like a good tank.

And now have some TV Tropes, because Sigmund's mun did it, sob.

Jerk with a Heart of Gold
Jerkass Woobie
Hair Trigger Temper
Ascended Fanboy?
Straight Gay
Grumpy Bear

And for kicks, his tarot: The Moon

Yeah that's it. |Db


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