Great line from Jess tonight: "I may not always be right, but I'm never wrong." He he. It's such a Virgo comment, too. ;)
What the hell am I still doing here? I not only have NOT done laundry, I haven't done anything else, either, and I'm exhausted and feel like crap. What the fuck ever. I really don't care right now.
Got a game started in LORD (, which I haven't played in a few years. Interesting stuff. I'll have to keep with it this time, except maybe only keep one or two games going at a time instead of the five or six I had before (and I wonder why I lost interest! It takes a few hours [each day you go in] to play it out thoroughly with the IGM's and everything... that, of course, is assuming that you LIVE through the whole thing)... At any rate, a fun (old) toy to play with never hurts.
I should try and get my laundry together. Or maybe just bed. I haven't really decided yet.