★ Reminder that the
Reading Rainbow kickstarter ends in a few days. This deserves ALL THE MONIES, so I just figured I'd throw it out there one more time. ^_~
★ What I'm intending on at least trying for midsummer release anime:
-Free! Eternal Summer (obviously)
-Majimoji Rurumo
-Love Stage!! (This one's mostly because one of the MC's has Nagisa's VA, not gonna lie)
-Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus (I would ignore this, but it looks like they're retconning season 2 and using manga material, so I'll give them another chance)
-Persona 4 Golden (maybe, I'll probably wait and see what happens with this one, I don't see much point in watching it unless it's significantly different from the original anime)
-And obviously still watching Baby Steps (even though Takasaki's voice annoys the living hell out of me for some reason) and Haikyuu!! (which I'm forever misspelling XD)
★ I may have restarted Once Upon a Time (sort of, I was only a couple of episodes into it to begin with). I just started episode 10 of the first season. Time will tell if this was a good idea or not. ^_^;;;
★ My 3DS has decided that it doesn't want to work- it starts to turn on, but then before any screens actually come up, it makes a popping noise and turns off. It has also stopped lighting up when I plug it in. Taking out the battery for a while and putting it back in was absolutely no help. Soooo I have to send it off to Nintendo and hopefully they can fix it. It's going to take a month to get it back probably, since they're apparently backed up, but the guy on the phone was super nice and helpful, so that's a plus. I just hope it's nothing I did. It -was- in my backpack the other day when it was pouring outside? oh." He also kept hesitating after the "r" when he was saying it needs to be repaired- like he was actually thinking "replaced." Which was NOT reassuring. ;~; But we'll see. Hopefully it's not as catastrophic as I'm imagining. (I'm copying the info on my SD card just in case, though.)
★ I've been spending WAY too much time playing a text-based game called Corruption of Champions and having a lot of fun with it, for the most part. It's dark and extremely twisted and very, very NSFW but I kind of love it anyway. I'm pretty sure that makes me a terrible person. XD (Krim, I think you would like this, by the way. You can either play it in your browser or download it, both links are
here. And although you DO have to pick male or female as a gender in character creation, you can start out with all variety of parts you want and you can change them at will.)
This has been crossposted to my DW account. You are free to comment either here or
there, if you'd like to comment. Preferably here, but it doesn't really matter. Whichever one works for you. :D