So much for updating more. Oops. XD I've been doing the usual thing where I have a text file and I just keep adding to it until it's roughly the size of Godzilla and then never post it, so yanno. I -will- finish the December meme, I have two more to go, I just need to finish the recs post first because Liz is evil. In the meantime, I'll post a part of what I've got saved up. This is the fandom/media part, and probably later or tomorrow or something I'll post the RL part. I think that's the best way to go about this. ^_^ I was going to go someplace with wifi today, but I really don't feel like it, so I'm posting this from my phone- I apologize ahead of time if something goes wrong. Seriously, these days it's better to just follow my tumblr (same username), I post to that way more often.
★ I'm positive that you've all seen this by now, but in case you haven't or you've forgotten about it or something, there's a new round of
blind_go sign-ups going
here. They're open for one more week. Don't forget to sign up if you haven't already! I'm really hoping to have the theme sets posted before then. Unfortunately, between everything else that's been going on IRL, the lack of home internet, and photobucket eating pictures I upload, it's been a trial and a half. So we'll see. XD
★ I've been watching stuff!
-Managed to get caught up in Kuroko no Basket (anime). Primary reaction is that it needs more Nigou. :P But then, that's always true. They should just make the whole show about him. XD That being said, I find the show much more tolerable when I'm caught up. I can take once a week doses with a relative minimum of eyerolling, but much more than that gets me really irritated. It's starting to really annoy me again, with the incredibly overpowered/overdramatized players. I keep going, "Really? REALLY? I'm supposed to buy this?" XD
-I watched through season 3 of Sherlock. The verdict? They should've just left it at the end of season 2. Just... unghhhh. So much was stupid or didn't make any fucking logical sense whatsoever. I can't even articulate how much was wrong with it. adjsakljdklsa.
-Let's see... I was told Sakura Trick was cute, so I'd grabbed the first three episodes that were out. That was my first mistake. XD I watched the first couple and dropped it, which I -never- do. It does have it's cute moments, but it's so fanservicey that it's absolutely beyond ridiculous. I lost count of the number of times I rolled my eyes at it in two episodes. I wouldn't mind the fanservice quite so much if it didn't set off my pedo alarm. Seriously, the one girl looks about eight years old, and that squicks me the hell out. Nothing against people that are into that, it's just not my thing.
-I'm not terribly into sci-fi, so Firefly was something I never really bothered watching. Well... I finally gave in because I was sick of people being all horrified about me not seeing it, and it was on Netflix, so why not. It was reasonably amusing. Zoe is by far my favorite. :)
-I'm now six episodes into Oofuri. Reactions so far, because I know if nothing else, Krim will ask: I -hate- the opening song, but that's not a dealbreaker or anything, so whatever, it's just annoying as all hell. JFC, it's like they're begging for slash shipping here, even without counting the number of opportunies for pitcher and catcher jokes. XDDD Mihashi is ridiculously high maintenance. Poor Abe. XD My feelings on Mihashi are mixed- I think he's adorable half the time and completely fucking obnoxious the other half. I desperately want to punch him in the face during the obnoxious half because I'm a terrible person. XD Also, does this first game ever fucking end? I find myself longing for the three episode PoT matches, seriously. Ungh. That being said, despite my bitching, I'm enjoying it overall. I mean, come on, it's gay baseball. What's not to like in that equation? :P
-I've also apparently decided to pick up Merlin again, but so far this has only consisted of figuring out where the hell I stopped. Considering that I knew I never got to season 2, this process was harder than you might think. XD For example, I actually got most of the way through an episode before I realized I'd already seen it before. XD So yeah, turns out I finished season 1. That's probably something I'll do today- start season 2! :D
-On the upside, I'd tried getting netflix to work on my phone and it wouldn't, without a wi-fi connection. Now suddenly it does. Which means that watching stuff isn't going to be nearly as much of a pain as it has been. Quality isn't bad, either. I ordered a cheap stand on Amazon so I can watch it without having to sit there and hold the phone, because that gets really painful after a while. It actually just arrived today and seems like it'll work. Yay!
★ In other news, I dropped my 3DS and now it's on max volume all the time regardless of where the slider is.
Aaaand I think that's plenty long enough for the time being. :P
This has been crossposted to my DW account. You are free to comment either here or
there, if you'd like to comment. Preferably here, but it doesn't really matter. Whichever one works for you. :D