(for the December posting meme-
degrees )
Any YouTube recs?
Holy crap, I could put a ton of things in here. Let's see. In no particular order (and not just for Liz, because I know she's seen some of this):
I've recced these before, but it's worth doing again- Epic Rap Battles of History! :D They tend to be really hit or miss for me- sometimes they cross the line- but the best ones (in my opinion) are
Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates,
Mario Bros vs. Wright Bros,
Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney is outdated at this point, but the end is still fun,
Dr. Seuss vs. Shakespeare, and
Justin Bieber vs. Beethoven. Not particularly obscene, but I'm going to stick a NSFW on this just in case. XD
Super Mario Acappella Theme that's actually really cool
Lazy Harp Seal- if nothing else, watch it for the adorable. :D
Sex+- A channel where this girl Laci talks about sex, sexuality, body image, self esteem, slut shaming, sexism, etc etc etc. It's really cool and really well done, and she's given me a lot to think about in some of her videos. I'm definitely more sex positive now than I was before I started following her. (As a bonus, she's really cute, but it's not like the message would be any different if she wasn't, you know?) Obviously NSFW.
Black History Month For White People- Guy gives a verbal beat down to white people who complain about Black History Month and explains a little about how privilege works. Totally awesome. I would also rec some of his other videos, which are apparently mostly unlisted now, so I'll direct link you.
Steubenville and Rape Culture (keep in mind that it has a second part, but that's linked in the video),
What is a Creep?,
Masculinism and Feminism, and
The "Gray Area" of Rape Culture.
Fluttershy Squeaks, if you're into ponies.
Just go to
Simon's Cat and poke around. That being said, "
Let Me In" is probably the best one.
For the other gamers on the flist, check out the
Jimquisition. I don't always agree with him, but he always makes good points and he backs up his shit. He also has a lot of great commentary about sexism and homophobia in the gaming industry/culture.
The Shape of Love- Says a lot about body image and self esteem in less than two minutes- and with no words.
You Treat Women Like That?- Just what it sounds like. NSFW for language.
It Gets Better Song- If you haven't watched this, you need to. Do it. DO IT NOW.
Game Over- Stop motion video that's just really cool.
Check out
Joy Nash's page for Fat Rant 1, 2, and 3. (1 is the best.)
30 Second Bunnies: The Wizard of Oz- 30 Second Bunnies is a project that aims to basically summarize a movie in about 30 seconds... with animated bunnies. Kind of like Simon's Cat, a bunch of these are worth watching, but this one's my personal favorite. (I'll also rec the two Harry Potter ones they have and Brokeback Mountain)
Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom- Just cute. :P
Yes, We're Gay, But...- Gets a little repetitive, but it makes a great point.
The Mean Kitty Song- A little weird at first, but anyone who's ever owned a cat will totally get this.
Whose Line Is It Anyway? Top 3 Hoedowns- Whose Line is the best ever. Basically, Colin wins everything, and Ryan is the bestest friend ever. (Also, DEFINITELY NSFW.)
Ode to Joy- Beaker. Meep!
There She Is, Step 5- This is actually a multiparter, but this is the last part and in my opinion the best. You can find the rest on youtube, actually- it gives it more context, but I don't think you have to watch the first four parts to figure out what's going on.
Ouran High School Never Ends- Okay, I know I've recced this about a million times, but it's SO worth it.
Another general channel rec that some of you already know about.
Danisnotonfire is just totally adorkable. :P
Eternal Rivals- This is another one I know I've recced a lot, but I just love it. HikaAki AMV.
...I feel like I'm missing a whole bunch of stuff, but what I've already linked should keep you guys busy for a while. XD
(Oh yeah, if you have a question/topic/whatever for me, the original post is
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