(for the December posting meme-
mmmdraco )
What kinds of weather do you love?
Fall is my favorite season by far, so mainly it's that kind of weather. When it gets cooler so I'm not dying of heat stroke but it's not freezing yet, before the snow and ice starts. Sun is also an important factor. I have a little bit of seasonal affective disorder that runs in my family, which basically means that I tend to get depressed in the winter when there's not much sun. (It's one of the reasons that while a part of me would love to live someplace like Alaska- so pretty, and not hot- I would probably kill myself after six months of darkness. No way, dude.) So It makes me feel better when the sun is out, even if my eyes are really oversensitive to light so I always keep a hat and/or sunglass clippies with me. The first really nice day of spring always makes me really happy. :) Temperature-wise, 60 to low 70's is just about perfect. Light sweater to t-shirt weather. :D
(Oh yeah, if you have a question/topic/whatever for me, the original post is
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