31 Days Meme, Day 23

Aug 23, 2013 23:57

23. Your dream job
Uh, I would settle for something I didn't completely hate and paid a decent amount, to be totally honest. I would LOVE to be able to write for a living in some capacity. I would also like to be able to wear jeans and sneakers to work, though the chances of that are even less than somebody paying me to write. XD Something like video game journalism is right up my alley (research/review side, not so much on the interview and talking to people in person side), but that's SUPER hard to break into. I don't know, maybe something like getting involved in social media would be more realistic, like the people that post as the company to Facebook and stuff? I have no idea, I just want to be able to pay my freaking bills and not have to sweat money all the time, okay? Preferably doing something that doesn't make me fantasize about a ginormous meteor hitting the Earth and killing EVERYTHING. That's my dream. XD

- I -did- stuff today! Like actually getting up at 8am FINALLY, and laundry, and made brownies for Scott since I'm sure he didn't get any last time, and brought those up to Old Work. Sadly, for some reason he wasn't there, but I put a note on it and had the girl I didn't know put the pan in a cabinet for him. They'll be more than okay till Monday. ^_^

- I also went to the gym today. :D Okay, fine, I only walked on the treadmill for about 25 minutes, which was 1.11 miles I think? About half of it was on a decent incline, but then I felt like I was going to die, so I brought it back down to zero. Which is fucking ridiculous and I'm TERRIBLY out of shape. My heart rate was definitely up at the top ranges of where it was supposed to be, so I didn't want to push it any farther than I did anyway. The point is, even if I didn't do much, it's still better than not going at all, and it's a start. All in all, I'm feeling pretty good about that, even though I'm pretty sure I'm going to be sore tomorrow. Whoops.

- Did I mention that school starts Monday? Uh, school starts Monday, and I'm getting really anxious about it. Geez. You'd think after two semesters of this, I'd be used to it by now. XD I like school, I like learning new things, but I hate the stress and anxiety of it. I'm almost half tempted to be like, you know what, an A.A. is enough. :/ I think what adds to it too is the classes I have this semester- creative writing in particular. I don't know, there's always an underlying fear there that the teacher will hate my writing and be like, YOU SUCK. Everything is subjective, after all. I'm probably being ridiculous. Meh.

- Also I haven't been sick to my stomach in a couple of days, and that's just amazing to me right now. I mean, still don't feel totally right, but not being sick at random things is pretty fucking nice. Maybe it was just an extended stomach bug? I can hope, right? :D

This has been crossposted to my DW account. You are free to comment either here or there, if you'd like to comment. Preferably here, but it doesn't really matter. Whichever one works for you. :D

scary shit, school, work, anxiety, baking, getting skinny

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