(no subject)

Aug 26, 2012 11:08

Apparently "soon-ish" means a month later. Whoops. ^_^;

☁ First, updates on the Big Three-
Work: Last day was a week ago- got a couple of cards, $30 worth of Panera gift cards (I have to go out of my way to GET to Panera, but mmm. That's going to be nice later in the fall. <3), $10 in a work gift card (almost laughed at her- clearly she's bribing me to come back in. :P), and a bag of gummy worms (*laughs forever*). Didn't get to say goodbye properly to a few people, but eh. Their fault, they knew I was leaving. I'll definitely have to go in to visit in a couple of weeks to check in with Amy though- Ashley has apparently taken over my exact shift, and I'm really curious how that's going, since Ashley is someone that always wants to leave early and is constantly on the phone for personal calls- she's not going to be able to pull that shit on my shift. Seriously, she called out my last day, leaving just Mary and I all night long, because there was supposedly something wrong with her car. She lives right down the street, you guys. She could've easily walked. That's the kind of bullshit we're talking about here. Sooooo I'm curious whether it's been a disaster or if she's stepped up.
Apartment: Decided that for now, I'm going to stay where I am. I do not deal well with change AT ALL, and with quitting my job and starting school, I uh... might've had a slight meltdown about it a few weeks ago. ^_^;;; Apartment later when I get more settled into the routine of school and everything- maybe for spring semester. As much as I need to get out of the current living situation, it will be the ONE THING that I can cling to that's not changing, if that makes any sense? So it makes me crazy, but at the same time I'm hoping it will sort of keep me sane in a way. Or something. I don't even know. XD
School: Everything's taken care of there. ID picture is stupid, but it's not the worst picture of me ever taken, so I'll take it. As of last Saturday, books and monthly bus pass have been obtained and classrooms have been located. Ver levels up! \o/ You know, I think this school thing is actually happening. Sort of surreal for me. O_o Classes start tomorrow (eeeeeep), so I've had the last week to relax a bit (I needed a vacation anyway) and try and get my sleep schedule in shape. That's slow going, but it's better. I can get up without an alarm around 8:30 fairly consistently, which is... not good enough. I'm exhausted, but that's to be expected. Kinda why I wanted a week off between the end of work and the start of school- I have an 8am math class four days a week, which means I have to be up at 6am at the absolute latest. (Shoot me now, please.) Schedule here if anyone is interested. Tuesdays and Thursdays are going to SUCK, but. Eh. At least the TTh 4pm class doesn't start till the 4th. I'll have a week to get my bearings. Not to mention, on tuesdays? There's absolutely NO excuse for me to not have my math homework done. NONE. XD (Note that there's no point in me going home between the am and pm class- by the time I even got home, I could stay for about an hour and then I'd have to leave again to make sure I got back in time. So not worth it. Somehow I get the feeling they're going to get to know me very well in the library. XD

☁ Random thought: Has anyone ever read a story featuring a contemporary Merlin? I'm not talking about an AU of an existing series/movie/book (though I'm aware all Arthurian tales are just glorified fanfiction at this point anyway), I'm looking for something that doesn't have a specific fanon involved. A twist on the idea, at any rate. I was watching Merlin again and suddenly wondered what a modern day Merlin (and everyone/everything else, for that matter) would be like. Might be interesting. ^_^ It's an idea I'm half poking at off and on in my head, at any rate, which I'll probably never do anything with, but we'll see.

☁ Anybody on the flist use a VPN- and if so, thoughts or suggestions? I've been wary of the whole people tracking what I do on the internet thing for a while now, and now with things getting worse and not better on that front... *sigh* I'm thinking about Cryptocloud, but I'm reluctant to spend that much money on something I probably don't even need, you know? Meh. I half think I should be taking this more seriously and half think that I'm being a paranoid nitwit.

☁ Finished Series 3 of Doctor Who. Still not sold on 10. Love Martha, disappointed she's not staying longer. Also, nice twist at the end there with the insinuation about the Face of Boe. I was seriously like, *jaw drop* (Though I -am- really curious about how that even HAPPENED).

☁ Wasn't I supposed to write this week? And clean? -_- Where did the last week even GO? I don't understand. :( I did at least watch the Who and some Merlin, and I'm waking up earlier than I was. Oh yeah, and I spent a considerable amount of time on drama which I'm not getting into here, but. *boggles* Goals for today: finish off season 1 of Merlin (I might as well, I only have two episodes left), WRITE GODDAMMIT, double check backpack for tomorrow, lay out clothes for tomorrow, figure out what the hell I'm supposed to eat- should probably go to the store for lunch meat and bread, and maybe play some Dragon Age, I haven't decided yet. Depends on how the writing goes, to be honest.

☁ Purchased a netbook, which I've been thinking about for a while now, so it's not a random purchase or anything. Acer, 2GB RAM, 320GB hard drive, Vista Premium (which I kind of hate so far, but it's better than the Starter version. XD), so definitely not bad specs for a netbook. It is called Mieu. (Hopefully it won't set anything on fire.
☁ There is a new spice shop in the mall that is just. Unf. Basically, anything you can think of is in there, and even stuff you wouldn't think of. Over two trips, I've purchased basil, a seasoned sea salt which is super yummy, a toasted onion powder which has a bit of a french onion dip smell/flavor to it, a "sandwich sprinkle" which is also surprisingly delicious, and a good quality cocoa powder that smells INCREDIBLE. Speaking of the last- made some chocolate buttercream frosting. Not my first time making frosting, but the first making chocolate. I generally only make stuff that I can't buy pre-made, like the mint. Just... Oh. My. GOD. I don't think I'll ever be able to buy canned chocolate frosting again. This stuff is just... I could've eaten the entire bowl of just frosting, seriously. Made a mix of butter pecan cake and frosted it with the chocolate, though there's still a ton left. I have no idea what I'm going to -do- with the rest of it yet, but... I'll think of something. ^_~ I rearranged my kitchen cabinet yesterday and apparently have a bunch of cake mixes hanging around, so. I see lots of cake in my future.

☁ Speaking of food, my rice cooker died. ;~; It lasted about three years I think though, and it was only a $10 machine I got from work, so I can't really complain, even if I was fairly upset about it at the time. Still kind of a wtf to me. It's just a machine, Ver. XD I have since replaced it- this one has a non-stick bowl, so that's pretty shiny. My biggest issue with the new one? Even though it's supposed to be the same size as the old cooker, I think it's a little bit smaller, because when I made macaroni and cheese in it the other day, it bubbled out from the top and made a mess. Same ingredient measurements I always use. -_- I'm thinking if I cut down both the milk/cream and the chicken broth by a quarter cup, that should be sufficient. Oh, the other thing on that- I've tried the mac and cheese recipe with milk (skim) instead of the heavy cream. It's still heavy, but it doesn't feel like you just ate a brick afterward, so that's an improvement. The only thing is flavor. It's still good, but it's missing something. Okay, I know what it's missing, but nevermind. XD I'm trying to REPLACE the fat with better things, dammit. I swapped out salt for the seasoned salt and that was an improvement. I might just not mess with it anymore, since like I said, it's still good, but. It's just not quite the same and I'm not sure what to do about it. :/

☁ Though really, I shouldn't be making any of this stuff at all. I've gained about 20 pounds, give or take a few, over the past several months. It's been really stressful and I've reverted back to the old comfort foods... which obviously I need to stop doing, and I know better. >_< Problem is... saying it and doing it are two totally different things. I'm a master of the first. Not so much on the second.

In the interest of not ending the entry on that note... here, have a Mieu:

You're welcome.

This has been crossposted to my DW account. You are free to comment either here or there, if you'd like to comment. Preferably here, but it doesn't really matter. Whichever one works for you. :D

cooking, fail, writing, baking, computer, being an adult sucks, school, work, doctor who, procrastinating, merlin

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