Been a while again. Whoops. ^_^;;;
☁ First things first- blind_go round lucky 13 is up for
signups! There's still a little time left to sign up if you're meaning to, so if you haven't yet, hop to it! Deadline is Friday! There is also the
support thread, of course, whether you've signed up or not. All are welcome! :D
☁ So I finally sat down and finished L.A. Noire. God damn, the ending was disappointing. I'm not going to spoil it or anything, but... REALLY? Was that necessary? HELL. >_<
☁ Also finally finished season 2 of Doctor Who. I'll miss Rose, but at the same time, it might be interesting to see someone new, you know? I still kind of associate Rose with Nine. Oh, and I think I'm getting used to Ten. Still don't particularly like him, but I'm not ZOMGNOWHY like I was originally, so there's that. XD
☁ Currently from Gamefly I have Mario Kart Wii, which is... okay, I have mixed feelings on it, to be honest. It's fun. But I think it would be easier for someone who's never played a Mario Kart game before? Both Kelly and I noticed that the learning curve for steering with the Wiimote is pretty steep, but I think experience with previous games is actually a downfall here, because you automatically try to draw from that experience and that doesn't work. I'm debating whether I want to purchase it- I have a $5 coupon from them I've got to use by June something anyway. Hmm. Decisions, decisions.
Before that was uh... a DS Final Fantasy game which I can't be bothered to remember the name of at the moment, something like the four heroes of light or something. I was very much not impressed with it, in any case.
☁ We got in these baby cacti plants at work. They're so TINY and CUTE. Uh... yeah, I bought three. XD Thing is, I have no idea what they ARE, and trying to identify them is a pain in the ass. And I apparently need to identify them to know how to take care of each one properly. Clearly I didn't think this all the way through. XDDD I only have one ID'd for sure- and actually it's not a cactus, just a plain old succulent. Cool looking though. :D Anybody happen to know anything about cacti? XD But here, you will get pictures anyway.
1. Okay, this first guy is the only one with a positive ID. It is a Haworthia Attenuata, which is actually related to aloe vera.
2. This one might be an Echeveria something, but I'm not sure. If it is, it is also a not!cactus. This one needs the most TLC, you can see that it's clearly VERY unhappy. :(
3. This little guy isn't so much cute as armed and dangerous, really. Those spines are SHARP- I accidentally caught the business end of one of them when I brought them home. XD I'm almost positive this one is ACTUALLY a cactus (whee!)- I'm fairly sure it's an Echinocactus Grusonii, but I wouldn't swear to it since obviously I'm new at this and there's 70billion types of freaking cacti.
☁ Remember a couple of months ago when I was angsting about needing to go to the dentist? Yeah. Guess what I never did, because I'm a chicken shit and the pain went away for the most part? Guess what now hurts like a motherfucker? Yeeeeeah. I know, I know, it's my own damn fault. I shipped off a message to an office (sort of) down the street asking about payment options, because if I can avoid needing transportation, that would be fabulous. Also it seems like this is a super nice guy who does good work and they WILL drug me up for procedures. I just. Ungh. Dental phobias and stuff. >_< But the level of pain I'm at right now? It takes four ibprofens to just to make me not want to die and bring the pain down to "almost tolerable", so either I go to the dentist or I pull the god damn tooth out myself. And no, I'm absolutely not kidding.
Edit: I think the area between my lip and my nose is swollen. Though it may be an overreaction or something. Fuuuuuuck, I hope it's an overreaction. D: Hopefully they email me back with good news ASAP.
☁ In other news, I was out with Stef the other day and found an apple wine that I thought might be good. (And the label is SO CUTE!) Keep in mind that she is a bit of a wine snob and I am, clearly, not. The following conversation ensued:
Stef: I'm not sure you'll like that. It's not going to be as sweet as you want.
Me: Pfft. I can always put apple juice in it, it's fine.
Stef: *horrified stare* ....I can't believe I'm friends with you.
XDDD For the record, she was right- it was DISGUSTING. Couldn't even taste any apple. :( BUT I was also right- mix it with apple juice and everything is okay again. :D I think I will not tell her about that last, though. XD
This has been crossposted to my DW account. You are free to comment either here or
there, if you'd like to comment. Preferably here, but it doesn't really matter. Whichever one works for you. :D