Real entry coming eventually, but in the meantime, I have seven topics from
troisroyaumes to talk about, so here we go!
1. What new manga are you reading/anime are you watching these days?
Manga- Loveless and Hourou Musuko, both of which I need to catch up on. I've allowed myself to fall behind a bit, because I've found that I tend to forget what's happening in between chapters and I have NO IDEA what's going on, so it's better for me to read a bunch all at once.
Anime- The only thing I'm actually keeping up with at the moment is Persona 4, but technically I'm also working on Fairy Tail and Gundam Wing. Kinda. Sorta. Not really. XD
2. Your fic-writing process (e.g. do you outline? do you write linearly? do you prefer pen on paper?)
First of all, the pen and paper vs. computer thing- it varies. I'm equally comfortable with both, and I don't use either exclusively. I use my laptop at home, generally, and a notebook if I'm at work or some other place without my computer. They both have pros and cons. ^_^ Now, as far as the rest of it... I don't outline, and I certainly don't write linearly. My process is pretty hodgepodge. Basically, I get snatches of dialogue, or a random line or whatever, and I write a scene from there. More often than not, these bits don't come in any kind of order and I end up with a whole bunch of random scenes that don't make sense, so I have to kind of... patchwork things together so that the end product transitions logically from A to B to C. And sometimes you can tell. XD
3. Favorite nail-polish colors
In general, blue- it's my favorite color period, and I have more blue polish than than anything else. I also love teal-ish colors, glitter even though it's a pain in the ass to get off, and right now I'm really into purple. ^_^
4. Comfort food
I am an emotional/bored eater, so this is a biggie for me. XD There is nothing food can't help, except your waistline. XD Anyway. FRENCH FRIES. I have a serious addiction, so only eat them every once in a blue moon. CHEESE. (I don't know if you've had them, but Denny's has this thing called "smothered fries", which is basically french fries with melted cheese on top and then bacon on top of that. You dip the fries into ranch dressing. I know it sounds disgusting, but it's the best comfort food ever, I swear to god. Needless to say, I have these MAYBE once a year because of the "heart attack on a plate" factor.) Broccoli cheddar soup from Panera's. Actually, pretty much anything from Panera's. XD Also pasta/rice/bread. CARBS, YUM. I AM A FAN.
5. Wii game recs for someone who is new to gaming
Just remember, you asked for this! XD I actually don't have a whole lot for the Wii, to be totally honest. I have WAAAY more games for other consoles, heh. Anyway. Kirby's Epic Yarn is adorable and really easy on newbies. Super Mario Bros. Wii is a ton of fun, especially with other people because you can totally sabotage each other if you want to compete- or you can just fool around and act silly. I really enjoyed Link's Crossbow Training. It's pretty straightforward. You get it for free when you buy the Wii Zapper thing- which honestly, I've never used outside of that game, but nevermind. Still totally worth it, at least to me. XD Don't forget about Wii Sports- it comes with the Wii, and it's fun and allows you to get used to the controls of the Wiimote, which are a challenge even for seasoned gamers because it's totally not what we're used to. I've heard that Mario Kart Wii and the Mario/Sonic Olympics are both awesome, but I've never played them personally. Oh! And there is of course the Virtual Console, where you can buy old-school games online for way cheaper than newer Wii games (NES games are $5, SNES games are generally $10.) For those I would suggest the following: Adventures of Lolo (NES), Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES), I keep hearing Chrono Trigger is awesome (SNES), Super Mario Kart (SNES), Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (SNES- OMG, if you get NOTHING else, get this, it's BY FAR the best SNES game and really funny and has very clear tutorials as well! My sister just said it's addictive like crack. XD), the Donkey Kong Country games (SNES- 2 is the best one, IMHO), Super Mario World (SNES)... and probably more I'm not thinking of. All of the stuff I mentioned for NES and SNES are things I grew up with, so if my sisters and I played these as kids, they have to be pretty newbie friendly I would think, right? :D
6. Hikago ships
I will read most anything if it's written well. Most. There are exceptions, Sai/Hikaru, Ochi/Anyone, and Kuwabara/Anyone being a few right off the top of my head. The things I actually ship? Hikaru/Akira, Waya/Isumi, Kaneko/Mitani, and Kaga/Tsutsui are the biggest ones. I also like Ogata/Isumi (totally fandom's fault!) and Kishimoto/Mitani, and will very easily buy Waya with either Hikaru or Akira.
7. Your thoughts on Doctor Who
I need to work more on it, I'm only about 2/3 through season 2. XD It's corny but fun. I'm still not a fan of 10- I just keep seeing Barty Crouch Jr. from Goblet of Fire. 9 was so much better. Rose is adorable. Uh... that's all I've got. XD
Comment if you want topics and I'll try to come up with things that aren't totally stupid. :D
This has been crossposted to my DW account. You are free to comment either here or
there, if you'd like to comment. Preferably here, but it doesn't really matter. Whichever one works for you. :D