☁ Alright, guys, last call for holiday cards. Not sure they're going to arrive on time as it is. If you want one, the post is... two or three back I think, I'm too lazy to find it right now. XD
☁ Left work early last night- around 7:30 as opposed to the usual 10. The cramp gods were apparently displeased with me or something. I was in A LOT of pain. x_x Still uncomfortable actually, but not anywhere NEAR as bad. The boss may or may not be pissed, but I pretty much never leave early, so he can bite me.
☁ Okay, so if anybody has a hotmail account- I got a phishing scam the other day. It's pretty obvious, I could tell ON MY PHONE that it was a scam and that's bare bones, but I figured I'd pass it on, since it's apparently making the rounds. Always good to be aware of these things. ^_^
☁ Finished No. 6 finally. It wasn't ZOMGTERRIBLE- I've definitely seen worse- but it was too rushed and pretty much fell apart at the end. It felt like it was trying to do too much in too little time, and so it didn't properly explain anything. Including some O_o inducing Shion OOC in episode 10. A serious WTF. I don't know, it was more disappointing than rageface for me. It could have been a really good series had they not squished it into 11 episodes and actually done something with all of those balls they were juggling. They let far too many drop.
☁ Rented Larry Crowne from redbox. Reaction: Meh. I mean, Tom Hanks is a fantastic actor, but this was all over the place. It was like the movie couldn't decide what it wanted to do and so it did a little bit of everything... and not well. It's not a BAD movie, just a mediocre one. Worth the $1.20 rent, in any case. Probably would've been pissed had I gone to the theater.
☁ I've been posting few things a day ish on AO3, because I've been trying spread it out so I'm not obnoxious. Well... I took a look at the main Hikago page. Guess who's responsible for most of what's on there? -_-;;; Whoops. Guess I'm still being annoying despite my best intentions, at least in Hikago fandom. Though I guess at least I'm not flooding the recent submissions page.
☁ I got Catherine in the mail from Gamefly yesterday. It's an exercise in extreme frustration. I HATE THIS GAME WITH THE FIRE OF A THOUSAND SUNS. I would rather go back to Persona 4, and that's freaking saying something. Seriously, it's a block moving puzzle with some plot mixed in between. Note that I'm not terribly good at that sort of thing. It doesn't help that right from the getgo, they're pretty condescending- going "Great, you survived!" and "Don't die!" Seriously, game? I know I'm not supposed to die, though that doesn't keep me from doing it. THANKS FOR THE TIP. *rage* This probably pisses me off way more than it should, but eh. I put up with this for about three hours before finally giving up, and that's MORE than enough. Kind of interesting, though: I -knew- I knew a couple of the voice actors, so I looked it up- Vincent, the main character, is also Yuri in Tales of Vesperia and Snowe in FF XIII. The "mysterious voice" in the confessional is a busy one- Yosuke in Persona 4, Kyle in Suikoden V, Timothy in Time Hollow, and Luke/Asch in Tales of the Abyss. Phew! Might look for a playthrough on Youtube or something. The plot seems somewhat interesting, I just wish the block pushing thing wasn't the center of the game. PASS.
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