☁ I've been pretty MIA lately- sorry about that. With my sister visiting and family stuff and being sick and all of this crap, it's been kind of difficult to really sit down and get anything done. My already limited attention span has been pretty much zero lately. (I haven't even bothered attempting to read that last Eragon book, if that tells you anything. XD) I'm still sick, but it seems to be getting better, so. Things should be winding down back to normal. Hopefully. As normal as December gets, anyway.
WANT. ;_; Money is a major concern, but hopefully they'll come up with a payment plan that I can live with. WHO IS GOING WITH ME, DAMMIT?
☁ Anyone have any experience with Zoya nail polish? I've been staring at the website for several days now and I can't decide whether it would be worth trying or not. They're expensive. :/ On the other hand, I did just spend $6 on a super glittery blue polish that I'm totally in love with (and actually kept on for about two days, which is a miracle), so really... it's not THAT much more, in the big scheme of things.
☁ I can has an
AO3 account! I will probably not keep up with it, because I have a hard time posting crap to my freaking main writing journal much less anything else, BUT... it's another backup and maybe I will? ^_^;;; That and it will give my stuff some more exposure, since I'm uncomfortable pimping myself out in the comms when I post something. So... you know. I only have a few things up there so far though. I'm trying to not piss people off by flooding everything at once. XD
☁ Ended up making peanut butter frosting (don't ask)... ASDJKALDJSLA that shit is DELICIOUS. Now, I wouldn't use the frosting all the time, for the simple fact that I still hate making frosting. BUT. It is definitely easier than regular frosting, at least. No food coloring is needed, so that headache and mess is eliminated. Two- It came out perfectly mixed and fluffy with just a spoon and some stubbornness on my part. Read: no mixer required. Which is awesome, because while I'll use a mixer when I have to, I'd rather not. It tends to be messy. It probably could've been fluffier with the mixer, but I didn't really see the need. The only problem? Now I have all this freaking frosting in the fridge. UGH.
☁ Speaking of food, I purchased three new things to try: sweet potato fries, pesto sauce, and garlic hummus. So far, I've tried the pesto and the fries. The pesto is good- I wouldn't want a ton of it in a dish or anything, but it's yummy. The fries though? Weeeeeeeeird. :/ I haven't decided whether I like them or not. I ended up putting a crapton of salt and Old Bay on them and it was an improvement, but I don't know. The sweetness bothers me more than I thought it would.
☁ The fact that
these are even necessary is sickening. Rape is a problem everywhere, but South Africa lately has been SCARY. Seriously- if you're handing these things out at sports games, THERE ARE MAJOR ISSUES. The SA government needs to get their shit together and do something about this. It's out of control. Even the condoms- good idea in theory that they are- aren't a solution. It's a band-aid on a fatal stab wound. Yes, it makes the rapists easier to catch. BUT. First of all, if a guy gets one of these on his dick, he's already raped someone. The damage has been done. Second of all, I'm not convinced that some of these guys wouldn't take it out on the woman. Hell, they've already killed women during these rapes, and that was without one of these condoms. Third is something someone else pointed out- once they start figuring this shit out, what's to stop them from sticking their fingers in first to make sure there's not one of these traps in there? (Which, of course, is already a violation in and of itself.) If there's not, rape her. If there is, beat the shit out of her. I just. I'm not convinced this will actually help anything. Though at least someone's doing SOMETHING. Better than what the government is doing. Isn't that a lovely thought.
☁ I should probably do my school applications soon. *sob* SCARY! ........... Dear Self: You are being utterly ridiculous. You are applying to community colleges, not Yale. You'll be fine. No love, Ver.
This has been crossposted to my DW account. You are free to comment either here or
there, if you'd like to comment. Preferably here, but it doesn't really matter. Whichever one works for you. :D