Amusing comic- cat people will know EXACTLY what everything in the comic is talking about from firsthand experience. :D
☁ The Myers-Briggs Personality types have never sat terribly well with me- I'm an oddball that's borderline on both S/N and J/P and I get a different result every time I take a test- but
this is probably the closest thing I've found. It still doesn't leave me going, "Wow, this is totally me!" though. I should probably stop trying, those always make me all :/ in the end.
☁ Still sick, but at least I can breathe through my nose again, and it hasn't gone into full blown coughing-out-a-lung mode yet. Mostly just my throat hurts like hell, I generally feel like shit, and I'm freaking wiped all the time. No fever though, so I don't think it's strep. Yay me?
☁ The sister of one of my sister's exes friend requested me on Facebook (weird... I've never even met her). That led me to profile bouncing. Am I the only one that does this? It's kind of like tv tropes in a way. You go to someone's profile, then you see someone on their friends list that you knew, so you go to their profile, and so on.... Anyway. I was profile bouncing. I came across this one guy that I went to school with. Typical bad boy type, not in my social circle at all (though he did, uh, sexually harass me for a full semester in junior high. *cough*)... apparently he's bisexual. *shell shocked* I would not have expected that in a million years. He's just so... yeah, red-neck hick that I didn't see that one coming. Although he does have the personality type that he wouldn't give a fuck what anybody else thought about it. Hence it being open for everyone to see. "Interested in: Men and women." That takes serious BALLS with some of the people on his friends list, I'm telling you. Unless A LOT has changed... which is possible. It would be nice.
☁ Amazon has Epic Mickey for $20. I'm debating the merits of getting it vs. holding off till later. Hrm. I probably shouldn't, because I kinda have bills to pay and rent's going to be tight this month. I could borrow money from my savings, but I already owe a ridiculous amount to it as it is, so I'd rather not if I can help it. It's not as if I don't have enough neglected video games already anyway.
...being an adult sucks sometimes. XD
☁ Need to actually finish the fic I started for Lish when I was procrastinating for BG. It's turning into a MONSTER. Half of it's still bits and pieces, and Javascript tells me it's over 3,800 words. At this rate, it's going to be in the ballpark of 5k by the time it's done. *sob*
☁ Also working on a couple of hopefully drabble sized things that are spin offs of one of the
blind_go fics- because apparently me saying that I could possibly write more in that universe was telling my brain to go ahead and bunny it. GAH. I should probably work on stuff that I owe, but... eh. Oh well.
☁ I had a customer tell me yesterday that I have perfect skin. O_o Um. How blind are you? Especially since you are standing two feet from me? If you're not blind, which planet in the solar system of Denial do you live on, and how do I get there? Granted, my skin has cleared up quite a bit over the past year- anybody who says that drinking water doesn't have an effect on acne is a LIAR- but it still has Issues. CLEARLY. It was just very much a WTF moment for me. I'm still kind of boggled about it.
☁ I've been having a lot of problems with DW/LJ lately, of the "it keeps changing my html" variety. Also of the commenting anon variety. Seriously, when I was logged out and trying to comment to BG stuff, for some inexplicable reason it kept logging me into an old RP journal that I haven't used in at least a year. What the ever loving hell. It occurred to me today- I think it's Chrome. Because you know what? I've never had these kinds of constant issues with Firefox. And I archived two fics onto the writing journal in FF, simply because that was already logged into that journal. No problems. Also, the truly baffling bit about the comment thing- I've never logged into that RP account in Chrome. It's not in LJ Juggler either. I repeat- what the ever loving hell. I still don't get that one.
Sorry, Chrome, but that's a deal breaker. Considering how much time I spend on LJ/DW, my browser has to be able to play nice with them. Bottom line. *uninstalls*
☁ I'm very, very close to the end of Suikoden Tierkreis- I've hit the last save, I think. All of my missions are taken care of, that I know of, except for one that keeps reappearing no matter how many times I do it (it's apparently a game glitch), I have my 108 characters, Hero is almost at level 60. I should be set. I just... it seemed to go so fast, even though the game tells me I've spent over 45 hours on it, so not that fast. Ugh. On the other hand, with this done, I can move on to a different game. Like picking up Suikoden II again (I got distracted with Tierkreis, heh).
Also I wasn't really shipping Chrodechild/Fredegund this time around like I was when I started this before. Which is a definite relief, that was kind of disturbing. ^_^;;; I actually don't really ship much of anything in this game. If pressed, I could see Roberto/Hero working. I'd also buy Jale/Marica, Jale/Hero, or Jale/Erin. (WTF, Jale isn't even my favorite.)
This has been crossposted to my DW account. You are free to comment either here or
there, if you'd like to comment. Preferably here, but it doesn't really matter. Whichever one works for you. :D