I totally feel like I'm missing something here... oh well.

May 08, 2011 00:50

☁ Yes, I'm aware I screwed up the daily meme thing already. Whoops. I will maybe catch up on that later.

☁ Happy Mommy's Day to the moms on the flist. ♥ I will possibly be baking something for my own mother in a bit. Possibly. If I feel like it. XD

☁ I... am apparently not a ninja. Which is kind of a disappointment. Just saying. ^_^;;;

☁ New version of Firefox. UGH. Hate it, hate it, hate it. Also LJLogin doesn't work, and that's a HUGE downside. LJLogin is the only reason I haven't packed up and moved over to Chrome, after all. Well. That and all my bookmarks are in FF. The only good thing I have to say about it is that it's definitely a lot faster.

☁ Just found out yesterday that you can make a website with Google. Holy shit, I'm in love. Keep in mind that my previous website-making experience was with Geocities, which was a gigantic pain in the ass. I can COPY/PASTE in this. I can not even explain to you how big of a deal this is to me. I DON'T HAVE TO RETYPE EVERYTHING. And there are actual FONT CHOICES beyond Times, Arial, and Comic Sans. And there are some really pretty backgrounds. I actually had a hard time choosing. I basically copy/pasted my masterlist for now, so everything links back to LJ, but go check it out if you want.

☁ So my mother randomly goes the other day, "So when are you going to do something about your teeth?"


Yes. I have dental issues, the biggest one being a large chip in my left front tooth that I've had since I was thirteen. It's mortifying and I'm hyper aware of it all the time. I KNOW. There are several reasons I have yet to do anything about it (and note that I was a kid at the time, so clearly my parents didn't either. So why my mother thinks she has any room to say anything is beyond me). I realize many of those reasons are excuses- I hate doctors, but especially dentists. My teeth are ridiculously sensitive and it's always VERY painful to go, even if I'm just getting a cleaning. Actually. Especially the cleaning. *criiiiiiiiiinge*

But a large part is money. I'm poor, god damn it, and dental work is fucking expensive as all hell. I'll get my teeth taken care of when I randomly win the lottery, alright? In the meantime, unless you're going to give me the small fortune it's going to cost to get my teeth fixed, FUCK OFF.

....and now I'm trying really hard not to cry because this is an incredibly sensitive topic for me and I hate talking about it. I hate even more when my stupid fucking mother tries to make me feel bad about not having what would probably be several thousand dollars in my back pocket. It's not like I've forgotten it's there. I fucking KNOW, alright? I think about it every single day. Hell, every time I open my mouth. It plays a big role in my self esteem issues. I've had people tell me that it's not as noticeable as I think it is, but they were obligated to make me feel better about it. I freaking know how noticeable it is. Her sneak attacking me with it out of nowhere? NOT FUCKING HELPFUL.

☁ And so to not end this on a totally depressing note, I think I'm going to try to make these. Oh, and Mike's (as in, Mike's Hard Lemonade) apparently makes a margarita now. There's the regular lime flavor, raspberry, and peach. I tried the peach and it's pretty yummy. Just. Yanno. FYI. :D

Edit: Tried the muffins- YUCK. I'm not even pawning them off on coworkers, straight into the garbage they go. Too bad.

This has been crossposted to my DW account. You are free to comment either here or there, if you'd like to comment. Preferably here, but it doesn't really matter. Whichever one works for you. :D

firefox, some days i really hate my mother, baking, website

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